Chapter 2: The Arrival

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Abraham: *In his thoughts* "I'll avenge everyone.. I promise.."


Abraham's POV

I opened my eyes and I was soon blinded by the light. I raised a hand up and I covered my eyes a bit to figure out where I was until I heard the waves and the seagulls nearby. I could smell the salty air and so I sat up, now realizing that I was on a beach however when I got up, I realized I was on a small island. I looked around and I could only see the ocean which expanded all the way down into the distance. I sighed to myself a bit, somewhat remembering what the mysterious being told me.

Abraham: *In his thoughts* "They said to look at the ocean and imagine my ship there... Maybe it'll work.."

I looked out to the ocean and I closed my eyes, imagining my ship to appear. After a while, I felt pretty strange and when I opened my eyes, I saw thousands of small black cubes leaving from me and they went to the ocean. I was in awe as the cubes began to take a form and soon, my aircraft carrier was created in front of me.

(USS Abraham Lincoln CVN 72 for those who don't know what it looks like

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(USS Abraham Lincoln CVN 72 for those who don't know what it looks like.)

I was quite amazed that the mysterious being wasn't lying to me and I stood there, looking at my aircraft carrier before deciding to get onto it. As I got onto it, I was quite surprised to see all the different amount of aircraft sitting on the deck. I looked over and I soon saw nine squadrons, consisting of two Super Hornet fighter bombers, two Hornet fighter bombers, one E-2 Hawkeye early-warning fix wing, one EA-6B Prowlers, one greyhound logistical support aircraft, and two SH-60 Seahawk attack helicopters.

 I looked over and I soon saw nine squadrons, consisting of two Super Hornet  fighter bombers, two Hornet fighter bombers, one E-2  Hawkeye early-warning fix wing, one EA-6B Prowlers, one greyhound logistical support aircraft, and two SH-60 Seahaw...

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(Super Hornet Fighter Bomber)

(Super Hornet Fighter Bomber)

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