Chapter 5: Royal Navy

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Soon we began to make our way back to base, leaving me to wonder if everyone was alright and who were these people from the Royal Navy.


Location: Azur Lane Base
Time: Afternoon

Wales: "I'm glad everyone is alright however, Enterprise, Abraham, you are both in very much trouble. One for jumping out the window and two, for recklessly fighting them!"

I stood there quitely as the women from the Royal Navy stood in the room as well as the others who came with us. I allowed Wales to scold me but Enterprise tried to talk in which she got shot down by Wales.

Enterprise: "But we-"

Wales: "Be quiet Enterprise! Fully knowing you were hurt and your boat being severly damaged, your situation could've been worser than his!"

Thats when Wales pointed towards me and she continued to chew us out for a while as Enterprise remained quiet.

Wales: "You're lucky he, Cleveland, and the others followed after you! Otherwise, this chat wouldn't have even happened."

Enterprise: "I understand Wales.."

Wales: "Good."

???: "My, my, Wales. It seems you can be harsh time to time."

Wales looked over to a young blonde haired girl and she quickly apologized to her.

Wales: "I'm sorry, my queen. I only wanted what was best for her."

Abraham: *thinks to self* "That little girl is a queen..?" *speaks to them* "I'm sorry but may I ask who you are? Along with the others from the Royal Navy?"

???: "Yes, I am Queen Elizabeth. The woman on my right is Warspite and the woman to my left is Hood."

Queen Elizabeth points to a woman on her right who had blonde hair and a black jacket with red cuffs on while the woman on her left was someone I already met when I first arrived.

Abraham: "Ah I see. I'm happy to make your acquaintance however, I believe that I already met Ms. Hood when I first arrived here."

Wales: "Yes you did. Now, what should I punish you two with... Ah right! Abraham, you are to do patrols around the base for five days straight. Enterprise, you will be doing the same but in the mornings. However, Vestal will repairing your ship again and you need to rest!"

Enterprise tried to object the proposal made by Wales however before she did, I gently hit her in the back of the head, surprising everyone. Enterprise looked back at me with a somewhat glare.

Abraham: "You should listen to Ms. Wales more often. Your ship is severly damaged and I suggest you rest. However, I also don't agree with Ms. Wales. I will be taking both mine and Enterprise's patrols. Let her rest, Ms. Wales."

Wales looked at me and she sighed, nodding her head.

Wales: "Alright then.. I'll allow it to happen. Enteprise, please get some rest."

Cleveland: "Wait, Abraham, are you really going to patrol all that time?"

Abrahm: *nods and notices that its close to the evening* Yes and I must go now. My shift starts soon.

I then turned around and I made my way out of the office. I walked down the halls and soon I left the building, heading towards the docks.

Meanwhile in the office...

Cleveland: "Wales, don't you think Abraham's offer was a bit too overwhelming..? I mean hes working both day and night and he won't be able to rest or anything..."

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