Chapter: 3 Fort MacArthur

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I got changed into the outfit and I adjusted the hat. After getting changed, I made my way back up into the bridge and when I got there, I noticed that I was still surrounded by the ocean with no island or any land in the distance. That's when I remembered the blue sphere the person gave to me and so I took it out of my pocket and I pressed on it, curious on how it worked. Suddenly, a screen popped up in front of me, telling me to follow a directed path and I was quite confused on why there was a map marker in the middle of the ocean. I decided to shrug it off and I made the aircraft carrier go in that direction, wondering what I might find over there.

(Continued from last story page)

Location: Fort MacArthur

Time: 7:04 PM PST

I yawned a bit and I decided to stretch for a little bit, considering the fact that I had been sailing for the past five hours. I was quite glad to be standing on land as I had been at sea for a while. When I was drumming my fingers on the stern of my ship, I had looked out the window and I saw that I made it to a large piece of land and that's when I got the notification that read "Fort MacArthur." I quickly made my way into what appeared to be a very large dock that could hold many different types of ships and once I managed to dock mine, I quickly came down from my aircraft carrier and I shouted in joy as I finally made it. After doing so, I decided to take a tour around my island, finding a few medical bays, a few ship repair areas, two air fields which one was very large which I assumed would hold large aircraft and the other was small for smaller aircraft, a couple of dorms, a building that showed headquarters, an armory, a canteen, recreational centers and a lot of defensive buildings. I had found multiple C-RAMs, M167 VADS and Phalanx CIWS located in strategic spots that would be capable of defending the fort from both Naval and Air threats.

Abraham: *Thinking to self* "They did not take any chances with the defense.. Well I'm glad to know that I have a highly defended base..."

After walking for a while, I decided to go into the head quarters, finding that I had a personal room in there. I stepped in only to find a queen sized bed, some shelves, a table, a door that led to a bathroom, some wardrobes that held my clothes and a couch. I went to a window and I opened it, looking at the evening sky and I smiled, finally finding a place to stay. I left my window open and I went and laid down in my bed, deciding to sleep for the night rather than staying up like last night. As soon as my head hit the pillow, my exhaustion took over and I immediately fell asleep.

A few hours later

I woke up and when I did, I notice that it was early in the morning. I got up and I went and took a shower to start off my day before getting dressed in another admiral uniform. I then left my room and I began to walk around, wondering what else could my base offer and that is when I had received an SOS. I froze for a moment and I turned my head and looked at the direction that it came from. I rushed out to my aircraft carrier before tuning into the SOS.

???: "Come in?! Can anyone read me?! Azur Lane's Base is under attack!! We request immediate assistance!"

Abraham: "This is USS Abraham Lincoln CVN72! We received your SOS! Where is your location?!"

There was a slight pause in the radio traffic as I heard the person on the other side hesitate for a moment but soon she spoke again.

???: "Here's our location!! Please hurry!"

As soon as I received her location, I quickly made it into my aircraft carrier and pulled out of the port. I pushed a lever up and now it was at max however my ship could only go up to 30 knots. I sighed a bit and I looked at the coordinates, realizing they weren't that far from me as it would take me at least 3 hours to get there.

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