Start from the beginning

Port: "Monsters, demons, Prowlers of the Night! Yes, the Creatures of Grimm have many, many names." -the teacher said. So his class was about studing Grimms. The Unit thought that it was great, since knowing about their enemies tactics and weakpoints could potentionally help them in battle.- "But I reffer to them as prey! Hahah!"
-The teacher joked, with obviusly nobody laughing at his mediocre attempt of a pun.

Christian: "Booo."
-The Ranger said, not being heard by anyone since he almost wispered it. But it was clear that no one seemed to like the joke, so the teacher immediately tried to compose himself again and continue explaining.

Port: "Uhh... And you shall too, upon graduating this prestigious academy! As I was saying, Vale, as well as the other three kingdoms, are safe heavens on an otherwise treacherous world! Our planet is absolutely filled with creatures that would love nothing more than to tear you to pieces!"
-The Professor said, as he walked near the front desks, where Team RWBY and The Unit were seated.

David: "Found that out yesterday..."
-The sniper said as he scratched the bandage he still had, earing a slap from the Ranger, as if he told him "don't fucking touch that."

Port: "And that's where we come in. Huntsmen! And Huntresses~" -he said as he looked down at Yang, winking at her, which earned some looks of disgust from The Unit, whom weren't noticed.- "Individuals who have sworn to protect those who cannot protect themselves. From what, you ask? Well, the very world!"
-The teacher shouted, raising his hand, only being followed by another student, who instantly placed his hand down upon noticing the stupidity he made.

Alex: "Ugh, this is the Army all over again..."
-The leader complained, having his notebook with nothing written on it, since Port didn't actually say anything about Grimms, other than that they are very dangerous, but nothing that could help them in combat.

Port: "That is what you are training to become! But first, a story." -he said. Seriously? A story? It better have something to do with Grimms.- "A tale of a young, handsome man. Me! When I was younger..."

Donovan: "Imma fuckin loose it..."
-The tall Marine said as the entire team put away their pens and notebooks while Port kept talking, knowing that this was just some boring class with a teacher that should... Well, teach, instead of spitting fairy tales about himself.

Port: "Despite the smelling of cabbages, my grandfather was a wise man! 'Peter' he told me-"

Christian: "Sir, with all due respect, what the hell does this have to do with Grimm studies?"
-The Ranger asked as he stepped up, seemingly irritaded by the fact that all the "Grimm studies" topic just went out the window. The leader decided to stand up too and try to fix Christian's fuck up.

Alex: "What PFC Benavidez meant, sir, is that we should try and focus more on the Grimm subject instead of personal stories."
-The operator replied, sounding way more educated and composed than his companion. Which didn't mean he disagreed with him, it's just that his presentation needed more work.

Port: "O-oh, yes, certainly..." -he replied, seemingly embarassed that he once again went off-topic with his tales instead of teaching class.- "Well, the moral of the story is: a true Huntsman must be honorable! Dependable! Strategic, well-educated and wise! Who among us belives to be the embodiment of these traits?"

Weiss/Christian: "I do!"
-Both shouted in unison, looking at each other after they did, suprised that they actually spoke at the same time.

Port: "Well then! Let's find out! Step foward and face your oponents."
-The teacher said as he pointed at a pair of cages he had inside the classroom, that were now begining to shake as two pairs of bloodshot eyes began to peek from the dark.

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