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I used these as warm ups

-They followed the trail of rose petals all the way up the stairs and down the hall, clutching the love letter to their chest.

Their heartbeats became erratic at the sight of the petals stopping before a closed door.

They anxiously gripped the door handle before finally giving in and turning it.

His silhouette surrounded by the golden rays of sunset caused their breath to hitch.

"I've been waiting for you, Y/n."

"How did you do that with your back turned? It could've been anyone. I mean, this is a public building." Y/n said in awe as Sanji turned around with a bouquet of red roses in hand.

"...Well, the first few people I did that to weren't you." He said rubbing the back of his neck with his free hand and bashfully stared at the floor.

Y/n accepted the roses he offered as they approached.

"So... um what is your answer? T-to the letter. You don't have to give me an answer now! I'm not trying to pressure you or anything like tha-"

"Yes." They said cutting off his panicked rambling and smiled.

"Really?" He looked up to them with bated breath and withheld excitement in his eye.

"Yes, I love you too." Y/n stated confidently with opened arms to welcome him.

Without hesitation he accepted the invitation and embraced them gleefully.

"You won't regret this." Sanji said with an adorable smile, holding them closely and affectionately nuzzled into their neck.

"I know." Y/n laughed running a hand through his hair.

-It was 2 am and Y/n was having one of those nights.

Sanji led Y/n to the kitchen and poured water into the kettle as he listened to Y/n talk about how mentally rough the past few days had been.

Steam escaped and the kettle let out a small scream as Y/n sighed, their stressed rant was coming to a close.

"I mean, name a better couple than my abandonment issues and my anxiety. I'll wait." Y/n groaned as Sanji glanced back at them and removed the kettle from the stove.

"Us." Sanji said lovingly as he poured hot water into the tea bag filled cups.

"I- Yeah..." Y/n said tearing up.

Sanji placed the cups on the table and settled down in the seat beside them.

"It'll be ok. I'm not going anywhere." He said brushing their hair aside, placing a gentle kiss upon their forehead.

"Thank you, Sanji. Love yooou~" They said leaning against him.

"Love yooou too~"

-The fight between the Straw-hat Pirates and their group had become more difficult and complicated than expected, but they managed to capture one of the pirates.

Y/n had been put in charge of watching said prisoner. The job was a relatively simple one: don't let him escape and all the guards outside the building will make sure no one gets in. 

It wasn't going as planned.

This damn prisoner wouldn't stop flirting with them.

At first it was just a joke he'd made when Y/n offered him water to drink, but the way they reacted seemed spur him on. He became relentless. 

Compliments on their outfit, hair, and shoes were made. He said he'd convince his captain to let them join the crew. This man even had the audacity to suggest they ditch the place together and elope.

"Do you think flirting is going to get you out of this?" Y/n sighed hiding their blush behind a facepalm.

"No, but I'll be damned if I miss an opportunity like you. Could I have the pleasure of knowing your name?" He smiled from his spot on the floor all tied up about 5 feet(1.524 meters) away from them.

"Y/n." They said tiredly as though it was troublesome, disregarding how effective his advances actually were. 

"Well, Y/n, if you'd be so kind I'd like to take you up on that offer for some water." There was something suspicious in the way he said it so gleefully, but they had no reason to deny him a simple request.

"Alright." They got up and poured him a glass of water.

There was something intimate about how close they were and holding the cup for him.

They set the cup down and moved to get up as soon as he'd finished, but the prisoner had other plans. He slid his foot behind their leg and pulled forward causing them to fall and knock and both of them over.

Was he insane?

Now he was both tied and pinned to the floor. It was the opposite of a favorable position for him, but that didn't seem to bother him in the slightest, in fact he seemed elated by it.


"Sanji, please call me Sanji."

"A-Alright. Sanji, you can't actually be serious about this, right?" 

"Oh, but I am. Being a prisoner isn't so bad if it's with you." He said looking up at them dreamily.

There was a moment of silence as they processed it and how odd it was that he'd made no attempt at escaping ever since the flirtation started. Dear gods, the man was actually serious.

"Fuck it." Y/n said and gave in, leaning down to steal a kiss.

A small whimper escaped him as he returned it.

"I'm so taking you out." They whispered the halfhearted threat between kisses.

"How does 5 pm by the pier sound?" He laughed as they pulled away.

"Fine" They mumbled moving toward his neck where they intended to leave some love bruises.

It's not like their job paid enough anyway.

*Sweet Tooth* Sanji x reader Oneshots & StoriesDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora