𝔾𝕠𝕠𝕕 𝔹𝕠𝕪 9

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Note: This school has a long ass lunch break ok


They'd all been laughing and telling silly little jokes, but just as y/n was about to make a joke of their own, a pit developed deep in their stomach. The horrible feeling spread throughout their whole body.

"Uh... I'll be right back. I think I forgot something." Y/n said getting up.

"You leaving too? You aren't up to some kinky business with Sanji are you?" Ace said and received a slap on the back of his head from Sabo.

"Not yet." They poked back.

Ace's eye went wide and Sabo fell back with laughter.

"I'm joking" They said with a mischievous smile and Ace released a sigh of relief.

"Serves you right for asking." Sabo said pulling himself back up and wiping away some tears from laughing so hard.

"Alright, I've got shit to do." They said opening the door.

"See you in class if you're not back in time." Sabo said giving them a playful salute.

"Will do!" They sloppily saluted back.

Y/n ran down the nearly empty hallways to the nearest bathroom.

Most students were in the lunch room or outside, but there were a few students at their lockers preparing for the upcoming classes.

Sanji surrounded by a group of unpleasantly familiar faces came into view.

Jared's head turned toward them, His grip on Sanji's collar tightened, his free hand slid down pulling a switchblade out of his pocket. He flicked it open and held it close to the blond's throat.

"If you don't want anything happen to him you won't fight back is that clear?" Jared snarled with a fucked up grin.

"Crystal." They answered angrily.

Jared's new friends gathered around them and the onslaught began.
Y/n curled up on the floor, all hunched over, in hopes of minimizing the damage as the kicks came mercilessly.

"Stop! Stop it!" Sanji cried only to be quickly silenced by the closing distance between Jared's blade and his neck.

Y/n took the advantage of the blind spot the position created to slide something carefully out of their pocket, hopefully their attackers wouldn't notice.

Ace's phone beeped as he snatched another cupcake.

"Food thief." Sabo chided watching him down the forth one.

"Eh, it'll be fine." Ace said wiping frosting from the side of his mouth as he pulled out his phone.

He froze a moment before getting up quickly grabbing Sabo's wrist and pulling him up too.

"What's wrong?" Sabo asked concerned about the serious change in atmosphere.

Ace held out his phone for Sabo to see.

A text from Y/n said "5v2 1 knfe hostge bck hall bth rm"

"5 vs 2, 1 knife hostage, back hall bathroom? Shit, that can't be good." Sabo said with a frown.

"Yeah! We need to go now!" Ace yelled grabbing the door, pulling Sabo along.

"Wait a sec, I have a plan." Sabo smiled.

This was originally only the first half of ch9, but I took forever and had mental issues with writing Sanji related stuff for awhile so the second part is it's own chapter now.

I'm tagging some people who have left comments on previous chapters or I remember seeing at some pointy in this book, because It's been a long time, sorry.







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