Too Many Things

574 22 1

enby/gn reader

contents: overwhelmed reader, mental breakdown, touch starved, venting, comfort, fluff


Y/n had been behaving oddly lately, not that most of the crew noticed. Sanji, their closest friend and crewmate, did.

He was worried.

Y/n had done fairly well covering it all up with acting and reasonable excuses. Hence why no one else noticed, but he knew them too well.

First it started with sleeping in a lot later, then it was the prompt detachment from seemingly everything, and at the moment it was irritability.

It was hard to approach y/n about it since there was always someone else nearby.

He refused to give up.

--- A few days later---

The ship anchored early that morning at a spring island and most of the crew split up into groups to head out for adventure, supplies, or clothes.

The only ones left on the ship were Sanji, who nearly finished cleaning the kitchen after making bento for those who'd left, and Y/n , who was still asleep due to the new sleep schedule.

He wiped the counter one last time and grabbed a large bento box before heading toward y/n's room.

He knocked and waited for a response.

Rushed rustling noises could be heard along with a distant "Coming, gimme a second." and a thud.

A disheveled y/n opened the door. Not a single article of clothing matched.

Ah, so they don't sleep clothed... I would too if I had my own room like them.

"Yes, need something?" They said awkwardly looking everywhere but at him.

"Everyone else already left. So it's just you and me today. I made us lunch for later." He said calmly, but he was actually very worried with the visible little care they'd given themself.

"Um... Thank you, Sanji..." They mumbled actually looking at him this time.

"Y/n, can I come in? I'd like to talk with you."

"Uh, are you sure? It's really messy in there."

"That's fine. It's windy out here and I wouldn't want you to catch a cold in those shorts." He insisted for more then just that reason.

"Oh. Yeah... Ok." They reluctantly led him inside.

Just as I thought, Y/n is always a little messy, but never this bad.

Piles of dirty clothes, plushies, and half finished projects were strewn about the room in an unruly fashion.

They both sat down upon the mound of blankets that was once a bed for a moment in silence.

"What's wrong Y/n?" He asked staring at a small bunny plush leaning against his shoe.

"What do you mean?" They faked a smile.

"I mean you keep sleeping in really late, you're suddenly detached from everything, your laughter is empty, and you're easily irritated. What's going on in that head of yours? Please, just talk to me." He gently grabbed their hand and pleaded.

"I-I don't want to bother you with my silly problems, Sanji." Y/n slowly began to pull away.

"They aren't silly and you aren't going to bother me, Y/n. Please." He entangled their fingers together and carefully moved closer, not wanting to startle them in such a fragile state.

They paused to think and he waited patiently.

There was no need to rush. No one was around to disturb them.

"Sleeping is hard and getting up is even harder. I- I can't say it. It's embarrassing..." They hesitated to continue.

"I won't make fun of you. I promise. Whatever it is, it's really disrupting your life. I just want to help if I can." His thumb rubbed their hand in hope of being a comfort.

"Relaxing is hard and I need to cuddle something to sleep. So I use this dog plush, but when I wake up it's even harder to get up because it's the closest thing to intimate touch I have. I-I can't bring myself to let go and I'm struggling to take showers and get dressed. I-I'm behind on my projects. My room is a mess. I-I-I can barely think. I-I can't-" As Y/n talked they grew more and more upset until they just broke down and started crying.

Sanji slowly pulled y/n onto him, moved to lean against the headboard, and held them close.

They desperately latched on and buried their face into his shoulder.

"It's alright. It's alright. It's going to be ok. Shhh. I'm right here. We can get through this together." He whispered holding them a little tighter.

"Together?" Y/n whimpered with a hint of hope between uneven breathes.

"Yes, together. You don't have to be alone anymore. I'll make you some relaxing tea before bed. I can sleep in your room if you want and wake you when I get up. I'll even pick your outfit for the day if it helps. And you can hug or c-cuddle with me whenever you want. I-I just want to be there for you." His face had grown warm and now he was the one avoiding eye contact.

They laughed and wiped away the tears.

"I'd like that." Y/n smiled and leaned in to place a soft kiss on his cheek.

"How about you take a nice warm shower while I pick out something for you to wear?" He mumbled wanting draw the attention away before he could embarrass himself.

"Alright, but I expect cuddles afterward." They teased and climbed off of him to head toward the shower.

Once they were gone he collapsed on y/n's bed.

Oh god, my heart can't handle it.


He went through the few clean clothes they had left in the closet and picked something he thought would be *cough* cute *cough* on them and comfortable.

He knocked and let them know he'd placed the clothes at the door.

He felt that y/n already had the stress of being behind on projects and didn't need to worry about the state of their room too. So he gathered all the dirty clothes, separated them into groups, and tossed some into the wash.

Sanji had placed all y/n's plushies onto their dresser, tidied the bed, and moved their projects to their desk shortly before Y/n came back refreshed and nicely dressed.

He was greatly pleased when they walked in with a surprised and delighted expression.

"Aw Sanji, you didn't need to do this." They happily pulled him in for a hug.

"You have enough to worry about and I wanted to." He returned the hug.

They stayed that way in each others arms for a few sweet minutes before he leaned back and asked "How about we grab a blanket and have a picnic?"

"That sounds lovely."


As time passed slowly but surely all of Sanji things moved into what was now the couple's room.


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