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Sorry if badass jealous Y/n wasn't what you wanted, but I couldn't resist. And yes the title is a pun.

Also I use the word "bitch" gender neutrally, Pudding just happens to be a woman. Anyone can be a bitch in my book lol.

Decided to keep my lil scene name notes in.

--- Scene 1 Captain Y/n's rage---

A soft light escaped from an airship hovering in the night sky and caressed the deep dark waves below.

"Captain, are you sure this is a good idea? I know the Straw Hat Pirates are friends, but this is really risky." Vera, Y/n's first mate, questioned tracing a finger along the map.

"Vera, I appreciate it. I know and understand how risky this is, but frankly, I don't care." Y/n stated unsheathing her dagger.

Vera swallowed as a bead of sweat trailed down the side of her face at the cold gleam of the dagger under moonlight.

 "Sanji and I have had something between us for a long time. We aren't official, at least not publicly, but that's my man and I'm not about to let some sugary bitch think she can take what's mine!" Y/n yelled as she aggressively impaled the drawing of Whole Cake.

--- Scene 2 Preparing for the wedding---

Sanji let out a long deep sigh as he got to the last button.

To say he was disappointed would be an understatement. The wedding would begin soon and he'd have to put on happy face, regardless much he didn't want to.

Pudding wasn't who he thought she was, and she definitely wasn't Y/n.

Oh shit, Y/n! If this plan fails he'd never see her again. 

They'd agreed to make their relationship public the next time their crews crossed paths, which should've been Wano, but now he wasn't so sure that'd ever happen.

"Damn it, this has to work." He whispered gripping the sides of the vanity and glaring at his reflection.

---Scene 3 Wedding Crash! Grab that Man!---

Beautiful, everything was perfect, at least it appeared that way to anyone who didn't know what was soon to come.

He was just going through the motions with a lie of a smile plastered on his face.

The moment to pull the vail back had arrived. His hands hesitated. Could he do it? It didn't matter, he couldn't turn back now, no matter how much he wanted to.

Sanji's hands reached for the vail.

 A gunshot echoed throughout the area. 

The priest let out a groan and dropped to floor.

A coin fell and bounced along the candy brick: everyone heard it.

"I object." A familiar feminine voice stated from her seat on top the wall.

" A familiar feminine voice stated from her seat on top the wall

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Her crew's sniper blew the smoke from his gun with a smirk.

"Y/n." Sanji whispered in recognition.

---Scene 4 Reunited and Terribly in Love---

The fight was intense and Y/n's crew added to the chaos. 

Thankfully, the sheer amount of Luffy was distracting enough for Y/n to grab Sanji and run.

Sanji had hoped to see her again, but in her arms with scowl on her face as she ran at a full sprint wasn't quite how he'd pictured it. He knew jealousy was rare for her, but damn did she look good in it.

Eventually Y/n found an empty building far enough and stopped there.

He was unfortunately back on his feet, but luckily Sanji was pulled back in her arms, and into a kiss that quickly became many. Soon those kisses trailed away from his lips to his neck.

"What you think you're doing getting yourself into all this trouble? Do you have any idea how upset and worried I was when I learned your bastard of a father was selling you off for a political marriage?" She questioned between kisses, a hand sliding up an down his back comfortingly.

"I'm sorry to have worried you. How did you know what was happening?" He held her closer and whispered.

"I have a few spies here. They keep me updated on Big Mom's plans." Y/n said ceasing her affectionate attacks along his neck and collarbone.

"I missed you, Y/n." Sanji said tearing up.

"Shh It's ok. You're going to be ok. I'm right here" She cooed stroking his cheek with her thumb.


Sorry Pudding, I took your moment away from you :/

Also Katakuri was like, I'm going to just file my nails a sec while you shoot the priest, cuz like he's not family so it ain't my problem.

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