Buff B\tch Sis

554 23 10

Written for JessArt4

- He'd heard of Luffy's sister as he walked back to the kitchen with some dirty glasses in hand

- Luffy said she was a good and strong older sister

- Sanji believed it, but upon meeting her he realized just how strong

- She was really strong , like please crush me with your strength level strong and he was loving it

- and tall? Like omg step on me tall

- Poor Sanji could barely form a sentence in her presence. His legs were quaking to give in and let him fall at her feet

- He got shoved over once and she caught him. He couldn't handle the feeling of being held in her strong arms and became Clifford the big red bloodstain ( I love you if you get the reference. Date me pls. I jest...Unless?)

- She wasn't as oblivious as her brother. She caught on rather quickly as to why Sanji became such a mess around her

- That's when the little game began

- She'd help with the dishes and get a little closer every time. She caught the plate he threw when her hip brushed against his waist

- "Careful, wouldn't want to break anything, would we?" She teased.

- As flustered as he was he had to say something soon. Luffy's siblings tended not to stick around for long

- It took some effort get a moment alone. Ok understatement, it took a lot of effort

- She knew what he was trying to do, but didn't comment. It too amusing watching his own crew sabotage him

- First attempt: Luffy's hunger

- Second attempt: Zoro ran out of booze

-Third attempt: Ussop's experiment went wrong. Green goo everywhere

 - Forth attempt: Chopper needed to check on Sanji's recently obtained injuries

- Fifth attempt: Not even a crew member, just sudden poor weather. You try finishing a confession to your crush after lightning strikes a tree nearby

- Sixth attempt: Finally, success! Well sort of

- He got the confession out, but she didn't get the chance to answer due to marines

- At least he got watch her fight

- He received her answer later that night

- It was late. Everyone else was asleep. He was almost done cleaning up the kitchen. The door opened. There she was dressed for bed, and damn did it look good

- "Got a moment?" She asked walking over and leaning against the counter he'd was cleaning

- "Yeah, I'm almost done." It was difficult, but he managed to get the sentence out and sounded fairly normal

- "I didn't the chance to answer since we were so rudely interrupted. So let's finish this." One hand placed upon the counter on each side of him

- She leaned in and paused an inch away from kissing him. His heart pounded and his mind went blank

- "May I?" She glanced down to his lips

- "Please." A whimper escaped him

- To Luffy's confusion, his sis met up with them every chance she got. He liked seeing his sister more, but it was an odd change in behavior. Oh well, the food tasted better when she was around so he couldn't complain

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