Chapter 15.1

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When the Great Crystal pulsed a second time, the observing Miahns were ready for it. They kept their concentration and remained connected to the flow of energy within the Crystal, trying to track where the energy pulse originated.

Imari took a step back and shook her head as if it hurt. Around her, Llevandeer and the others rubbed at their temples or faces.

Selémahs said, "I do not think that the Great Crystal is amenable to our direction in this matter."

"Yes," Imari said. "I have never known it so...independent. Whatever it is responding to is very old, hidden in its depths. I cannot seem to trace it."

Llevandeer said, "Some of us must rest. Those who are still strong should keep watch. Meanwhile, I will ask the Storyteller if there is anything in any of the histories that may enlighten us as to the meaning of this."

"It must be a strong threat indeed for the Great Crystal to behave so enigmatically," Selémahs mused. "Could it possibly be the Xoentrols again?"

Imari shook her head. "We would recognize that. Certainly my niece would. This is something far older."


When Mara returned to the Crystal Chamber, she was surprised to find it full of Miahns consulting ancient books and arguing among themselves. It looked like a Council meeting, or perhaps a faculty gathering at the Academy of Bathir, instead of the normally peaceful and sacred space it was.

"What is happening?" she asked Aurora, who came hurrying to greet her.

"I am sorry, Your Majesty, but there are so many people here, this was the only space large enough to accommodate them all," Aurora said. "Mother went home to get an ancient book she thinks may be useful, and she asked me to take charge here." She looked around a little helplessly. "I am afraid we are no closer to drawing a conclusion than we were when we began."

"How can I possibly meditate with all this going on? Please ask those who are researching to go aboveground and find a more suitable space. Only those who will focus on the Crystal may remain," Mara instructed.

"Of course," Aurora said, hurrying off. In a surprisingly short time, the cavern began to empty, becoming quieter. Aurora returned and said, "I was fortunate enough to be meditating on the Crystal when it made contact with Niavar. I agree that it is seeking him out, for its own reasons." She sighed. "The Great Crystal contains so much knowledge, and I know that learning to find what you seek among its vastness is a valuable process. But occasionally one does wish for a search engine."

Mara smiled wryly. "One does indeed."


"Ford, sit down!"

He was glowing more brightly now, illuminating the room as he paced its length. Sabrina found it unnerving—or at least, she thought she did. She was trying not to think that she felt so jittery because Ford's restlessness was seeping through the link, or worse yet, that Crystal energy was seeping through the link. What would happen if they couldn't act soon? Would it harm him? He looked almost radioactive.

"Sorry," he said, and made a concerted effort to stand still. His hands clenched into fists, then unclenched, over and over again in an unsteady rhythm. Finally he let out an explosive breath and began pacing again. "I can't do it, Sabrina."

"You'll wear yourself out," she protested.

"I don't think that's even possible at this point."

"You're making me tired just watching you."

"Then don't watch."

Sabrina sighed. She got carefully to her feet, ignoring how her head pounded, and went to intercept him. As she took his arms to stop him, they both jumped at the transfer of energy. Sabrina snatched her hands back immediately, but she could tell she'd taken some: her head instantly cleared, and her stomach stopped hurting.

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