Chapter 6: Fiersai

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The next morning Sabrina checked her com messages and realized it had not been a dream after all. Imari's message was brief and to the point, informing her that she was invited to put herself at the disposal of the Realm observer, with the Realm's thanks. Mara had a little more to say.

"I'm sure by now you and Niavar have had one or two discussions about this," Mara said, looking amused. "I hope you are still speaking to each other, at least. I know you are not best suited for a subordinate role, Sabrina, but doubtless you realize that I cannot deny Niavar this opportunity to prove himself. I'm sure this more active assignment appeals to him after being confined on the station, and I will be less concerned about him on Fiersai, to tell you the truth. As Queen I am disappointed to lose my most creative diplomat for a time, but as Guardian I am pleased to have you assist my son and look into this disgraceful situation."

She paused. "Sometimes I feel we don't communicate very well when it comes to your position among us, Sabrina, and I don't want you to feel that this is some kind of rejection. If Niavar were not with you I would have had no qualms about appointing you to represent the Realm. But to appoint you over his head would have been an appalling repudiation, and I would never do that to any of my children. I know that you, who have always been so fierce in Niavar's defense, would not want me to. I wish you both a safe and productive journey to Fiersai. Please give the High Lord my greetings and compliments. Oh—Tirqwin and Khediva send their love." She smiled. "I also send greetings on behalf of Seuréa, who asks me every day where you are. And, of course, my own love. I hope to see you home soon."

Sabrina smiled at the screen for a moment after it went dark. Then she punched in the code for Ford's suite. Stecklan answered.

"Good morning, Captain. Could you ask his royal highness if he has a moment?"

"He's getting dressed, Lady Sabrina. Can I have him call you back?"

"Yes. Just tell him I called to ask what I should wear this morning."

Stecklan raised an eyebrow. "Yes, ma'am."

It wasn't long before the door chime sounded. Ford came in, chuckling. "So you need wardrobe advice, assistant?"

"Well, I packed an ambassador's wardrobe. I wouldn't want to get my job off to a bad start by out-dressing the person I'm assisting. And I don't have Ranja here to help me." She eyed Ford's formal suit appraisingly. "Although now that I've seen you I think I can put my worries to rest. I won't be outshining you in that."

"Why, thank you," Ford said. "I thought I might need a little help getting taken seriously."

"I'm taking you very seriously," Sabrina said.

"Not you, the conference. I take it you got your orders this morning?"

"Yes, they came in overnight. Mara seems pleased."

"Well," Ford said, "I think this must be the first time I've ever volunteered to do anything official offplanet. Hm. That gives me a great idea for her next birthday present."

Sabrina rolled her eyes.


Sabrina and Ford took their seats at the conference table early, wanting to make sure they could get their announcements in before the rest of the day's agenda. It was Ranfir's turn to chair, and he immediately granted Sabrina the floor. She gestured to Thad to come forward.

Thad swallowed nervously as he approached the head of the table and presented his credentials to Ranfir. "Her Majesty Queen Maratobia of Praxatillus has appointed me her ambassador to this conference," he said.

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