Chapter 9.1

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It was several hours later when Thad and Ranja returned from the morning session to find Sabrina's bedroom door still locked. Thad scowled. "Do you think she's sick, or just avoiding him?"

Ranja shrugged. "Either way, she's entitled to some privacy. Let's have lunch. I'll check on her before we go back."

"She needs to eat," Thad said.

"She never eats when she's upset," Ranja said. "You know that."

"She was never upset much before he came along."

"That's family for you," Ranja said. "And it takes two to fight."

"I can't believe you're taking his side!"

"I'm not. But in case you hadn't noticed, when they're not fighting, she enjoys his company. Let them work this out. We'll only make it worse if we interfere."

Thad sighed.

He and Ranja ate a quick lunch, mostly in silence. As they were finishing, the door chime announced Ford's entrance. "Ah," he said. "She hasn't come out yet?"

"No, your highness," Ranja said. "I was just about to check on her. Unless you would prefer to?"

"No," Ford said. "But get her to eat something, would you? Oh, and give her this, if you please."

"Yes, sir," Ranja said, accepting the folded piece of paper with surprise. "We enjoyed your report."

Ford rolled his eyes. "It's amazing how simple things sound when you organize them after the fact. But thank you. I don't hold a candle to Sabrina when it comes to writing reports, but I am beginning to realize why she hates them so much."

Ranja grinned. "She'll be furious when she realizes she missed her chance to contribute, though."

"Not my fault," Ford said, the hint of a grin tugging at his mouth. "But I don't suggest you tell her that."

"I wouldn't dream of it."

"Well," Ford said, "see you back in the conference."

When Ford had gone, Ranja unfolded the note. Thad reproved, "Ranja!"

"Oh please. As if you aren't dying of curiosity. It's not like I would tell anyone." She read the brief note, and her face fell.

"What?" Thad asked reluctantly.

"I don't read this language. I think it must be Lady Sabrina's Earth one."

Thad chuckled. "The prince is a lot of things, but not stupid, Ranja."

Ranja got up and knocked on Sabrina's door. "Lady Sabrina? Thad and I are just leaving again. But there's lunch on the table for you."

To her great surprise, the door slid open. Sabrina gave a sheepish smile. "Sorry to be so unsociable, Ranja."

"That's all right, my lady. You're entitled," Ranja said. "Here."

Sabrina accepted the note, puzzled. Then she started to grimace as she read it, and finally sighed. She glanced at Ranja and gave a reluctant smile. "It's nothing important, Ranja. The prince says my sulking is beginning to bore him. He knows perfectly well that I find nothing more terrifying than a bored Ford." She crumpled the paper in her hand and sat down at the table.

Thad asked, "Will you be joining us today, my lady?"

"You know, I think I will," Sabrina said. "Did I miss Ford's report? How did it go?"

Thad shook his head. "It was unexpectedly mundane."

"Good. I'll be in after I eat; I'm sure I can find an empty seat along the wall. Don't tell Ford; I want to surprise him. That ought to relieve any boredom he may feel, at least temporarily. Oh, wait. Once you and Ford are safely inside the conference room, send Stecklan along to me. I want to ask him something."

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