Chapter 5.3

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"That was a lovely evening," Sabrina said to Thad, humming a little, as they walked back to their suite.

"I'm glad you enjoyed it, Ambassador," Thad said. "Because the prince asked me to tell you not to go to bed yet. He wants to speak to you. He didn't look happy."

She sighed. "What could I possibly have done to annoy him? I've hardly had a chance to speak to him today. I thought he was having a good time with Maelora."

"I don't know." Thad paused to open the door for them both. "Do you want me to stay up too? We could get some work done, perhaps."

"No, go on to bed. One of us should be awake for tomorrow's round of wrangling," Sabrina said. "I'm going to change clothes, at least." She yawned. "Hopefully this won't take long."

"Well, good night, Ambassador," Thad said.

"Good night, Thad. Sleep well."


Sabrina was nearly asleep on the sofa when the door chime sounded and Ford strode in, looking angry. No, she thought as she blinked to clear her vision, he looked as enraged as she'd ever seen him. "What's wrong?" she asked. "Has something happened?"

"Yes," he said.

"Well, for heaven's sake, tell me," she said. "It can't be an emergency, since you're so late getting here."

"I was trying to conquer my urge to wring your neck. I haven't entirely, but this can't wait until tomorrow."

Sabrina raised an eyebrow and wondered if she ought to get to her feet. Then she dismissed the thought; it was absurd to think that Ford might actually harm her. "I'm sorry I've annoyed you. Are you going to tell me what I'm apologizing for?"

"Don't you dare play stupid with me!" he snarled.

Sabrina blinked again, and then, with a sinking feeling, began to suspect he had learned of her request to Imari. "Sorry. It didn't occur to me that you were checking in at home. Has something been decided?"

Ford stared at her for a moment, then paced a tight circle, his fists clenching. "How can you take this so calmly? Has it actually not crossed your mind what you did? I can't believe—no, I can believe Imari didn't tell you. She must have been greatly amused."

"Ford, please tell me what you're talking about." Sabrina tried to keep her tone even; if she infuriated him further it would take much longer to find out, she knew.

"I know you think I'm just tagging along on this trip," he said. "And as far as Praxatillus is concerned, yes, I am. But when you go bringing the Realm into it, Sabrina—" He broke off.

"What?" she said, perplexed. "I proposed a solution to a problem that doesn't seem to be getting resolved. I admit it's unorthodox—"

"Unorthodox! Yes, I would think so. You've been diligent in staying out of Realm matters ever since the Regency."

"Because they don't concern me, not being a Miahn."

"Well, they do concern me, being not only a Miahn, but the son of the Guardian."

"Of course, but this is a diplomatic—"

"Stop it!" Ford snapped.

Sabrina, frustrated, held her tongue but swept her arm out in a "go-ahead" motion. Ford paced a little while longer, then seemed to get control of his voice. "I never had a choice about Bathir, Sabrina. So maybe I haven't really cared about being its prince in the way that I should. But I am proud to be Miahn."

His pause went on long enough that she felt compelled to respond. "Of course. I don't understand how I have offended you as a Miahn, Ford."

"Don't you? Use your imagination. You go into the session tomorrow morning and announce that you have been appointed as a special observer for the Realm. What happens next?"

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