Chapter 1.2

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The next morning, a timid shaft of sunlight crept across Sabrina's bed, causing her to groan and fling her arm over her face.

"Ambassador?" Thad whispered.


"Are you awake?"

"I don't know. I think I might be dead. Is it still snowing?"

"I'm so sorry. I didn't realize you were drinking intoxicants, or I wouldn't have given you that medicine."

"Oh God. I passed out, didn't I? Right in the middle of the party!"

"You, ah, did it very gracefully," Thad said encouragingly. "You just swayed out of your chair like a wilting flower."

"Oh God. I'm disgraced forever." Sabrina covered her face with both hands. "I can die of humiliation now."

"Actually his royal highness explained to everyone how hard you had been working and how important the treaty was to you, and he apologized for thoughtlessly pushing you into exhaustion by insisting on dancing the trajeen."

"Oh good. Not fatally humiliated, just pathetic," she moaned.

"It could have been worse," Thad insisted. "Your dress cushioned your fall. Um, there was so much of it that I had to help his royal highness with it while he carried you up to your room."

"Pathetic and helpless."

"The first lady thought it was terribly romantic."

"Pathetic, helpless, and idiotic."

"Oh, I should also mention that his royal highness also explained that the word 'shit' is an ancient Bahgheiran accolade."

"Introducing gratuitous English profanities into common usage on other planets under false pretenses. Lovely. I've now sinned not only against protocol, but linguistics."

When she finally brought herself to look at Thad, he had his grin under control. "I do apologize, Ambassador. You've never drunk intoxicants before. I didn't know."

"I didn't either," Sabrina said. "Relax, Thad. It wasn't your fault. Just more proof that I did something truly horrific in a past life. As if I needed further evidence." She decided to attempt to sit.

"The doctor said you would need to avoid putting weight on your knee for a few days," Thad said. "I've spoken to our transport's captain; he says he'll have no problem doing a few extra orbits until we're ready. Apparently he was told not to come home without us."

"Well, my brother does have military connections," Sabrina sighed, shoving a pillow behind her to support herself as she tried to find a comfortable sitting position. "But I don't see why we should wait. I can rest aboard ship as easily as I can here."

"But you haven't made your final leave-taking calls," Thad protested.

"Make Ford do them."

"He's already doing the rounds," Thad said, "but he can't take leave for you. I checked. Meskathan protocol demands the ambassador do it in person."



"Make a note. Don't talk to me anymore about Meskathan protocol. And further, next time I agree to dance with Ford, shoot me before I make a fool of myself again."

"Certainly, Ambassador. I will make sure my notes are in order for just such an event, since obviously I will have no choice after shooting you but to turn the weapon against myself."

"Thad! You're learning sarcasm! I'm so proud of you!"

"That was not sarcastic. It was merely realistic," he informed her, grinning. "Would you like breakfast? I can bring something to you."

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