Chapter 8.6

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Sabrina fell asleep in the middle of the latest Treehouse of Horror and dreamed that she was sent to negotiate a peace treaty between Earth and the aliens Kang and Kodos, which ended badly when Lisa Simpson did a secret DNA test that revealed Sabrina to be one of the aliens.

"No more falling asleep to the TV," she grumbled after her abrupt awakening, rubbing at her face and sitting up.

Khediva chuckled. "I turned it off once I realized you were asleep, but I am afraid I was not quick enough, child. You have slept most of the night. Do you feel up to having a visitor? Maratobia has been most impatient to see you."

"Of course. Um...can I have breakfast while we talk?"

"Certainly. The rest of them are eating now; you may as well join them. But do not overtire yourself."

"Thanks, Khediva. I won't." Sabrina got up, splashed some water on her face, and got dressed, then headed for the small galley in the back of the living quarters.

"Well!" Ford said. "If it isn't Sleeping Beauty miraculously released from her prison."

"In search of breakfast," Sabrina said, "and I think I'm just on parole. Hi, Mara. Thanks for coming to clean up our mess."

Mara smiled, picking up a piece of fruit. "It's not the worst mess I've had to deal with. Besides, it got me out of a dozen or more meetings, so I cannot be terribly upset. And now we have a little family time on the trip back."

Tirqwin said, "It is good to see you up and around, Sabrina. Niavar insists on returning to Outpost Seven to finish up his report and tie up loose ends, although Mara seems to think Ambassador Meera is more than capable of taking care of it. What would you prefer to do?"

Sabrina resisted the urge to glance at Ford. "I have the greatest confidence in Thad. However, I do prefer to finish what I start. I would like to go back to Outpost Seven."

Mara sighed. "I suppose Praxatillus will survive while I make a brief detour."

"Why don't you just pop yourself back?" Sabrina asked, surprised.

Mara smiled. "I need to conserve my energy. My connection to the Crystal can fluctuate at this stage of a pregnancy."

"What, again?" Sabrina exclaimed involuntarily. Mara narrowed her eyes in annoyance, and Sabrina blushed as she realized that her exclamation had a ring of judgment to it. "Sorry. That didn't come out quite as I meant it. Congratulations!" She was aware of Ford snickering under his breath.

Mara was only partially mollified. "Seuréa is nearly two years old. It will be good for her to have a near agemate among her siblings. The Inheritor's life can be a lonely one."

"Of course," Sabrina said soothingly. "I was just surprised, that's all. I've been away from home so much that it doesn't seem possible Seuréa's no longer an infant."

Mara sighed. "I had hoped you might be a little more pleased, Sabrina, since it is customary for a Guardian to make arrangements for guardianship of children born after the Inheritor, and I had intended to name you."

"Really?" Sabrina said, then wanted to kick herself for another thoughtless response. "Sorry. I think I need to eat something."

"Here. Sit down," Ford said, making room for her on the bench. "Put something in your mouth besides your foot."

"Thanks." She stole a piece of cheese off his plate and munched on it, then grabbed another. "This is good! Where's it from?"

Tirqwin chuckled. "Khediva apparently raided that little cheese shop you liked so well in graduate school, Sabrina."

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