Be Brave Enough To

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I keep seeing the same faces every time I close my eyes. I was taken from my family when I was five, which means I haven't seen them in almost ten years. To be completely honest in a few months it will be exactly ten years. Ten year far too long. Being completely honest again, I never thought I would see my family again. Every time I close my eyes, I can see faces.

The same faces.

I should remember who they are. But I don't.

I can't remember who they belong to. I remember I had two loving parents and way too many brothers to count. I had two brothers who was always with me. We had done practically everything together it seemed like. I remember two brothers who were always an arse to me because I would get mom's attention when they wanted it. I wasn't a nice princess either; I would throw a fit when they got her attention when I wanted it. So, I guess fair was fair or an eye for an eye. My eldest brother always protected me from bullies. He would always tuck me in and would read a book to me. My second oldest brother would tuck me in at night when my eldest brother couldn't. He also would read me stories to get me to fall asleep like my eldest brother. He always would make my boo boos better when I would fall. My third oldest brother always scared my nightmares away. He was always my hero, and he always will be even if he is now forever gone. Those memories I hang on to for dear life. Those three were my favorites back then. I don't remember their names or what they look like exactly anymore except at night I see faces I should recognize. I should remember, who happen to haunt my dreams. They haunt me as soon as my eyes close. Once their faces pop up, I always end up wide awake again afraid to fall back asleep, in fear of seeing them all over again. You're wondering why I hate it; I will tell you exactly why. Guilt. I feel guilty because I should remember who they are, but I don't. I also feel like I'm missing those faces; like my subconscious is longing for those familiar faces.

"Gemma!" Lance whisper yells at me.

"Huh?" I ask.

"Were you even listening?" Ashton all but yells. I flinch back at his voice. Ashton and Lance don't let my actions go unnoticed.

"We said Mom and Dad will be home in the next hour. Please do as they say. We can't stand to see you get hurt." Lance softly says

"I will listen I promise." I promise them.

"Good, we'll help with the cleaning; so, you can get dinner ready on time." Ashton tells me sternly.

You see, if I don't have food on the table when they walk through the doors. I'm punished and beaten. If I miss a single speck of dust; it's worse. If I back talk.... It's even worse. When I was taken, I was shipped to England. Taken from my home country.
My home. My solace. My family. Italy.

I waited for years for my family to find me. I mean my family was the strongest Mafia in the world at that time. I just can't remember what our last name was.

So, it shouldn't have been hard, right? So, did they give up on me? Did they think I was dead?
Why was my life snatched away from me?

Those are my unanswered yet unasked questions. I don't ask simply because I don't think I could handle the truth or handle a near death beating again. I have two 'brothers' now. But they don't fill the void I have in my heart that's longing for my brothers. Every one of them. Even the arses.

They aren't mean to me like their parents are. They just don't defend me like brothers should. I mean they did try a few times, but they got beat worse than I had. In a way I don't blame them for not helping me in that way. I always felt bad when they took my beatings for no apparent reason. They finally quit stop taking my beating and for months never helped me. The past year or two Lance concluded that they'll try to help me stay out of trouble as much as possible. They would eavesdrop on their parents to see if they concocted a plan to punish me. Over like a dinner they didn't tell me they wanted. Or help with chores. Simple stuff like that. However, they won't try to protect me from the beating. All I must do is remember and not to sass back. They protect me in way, if you think about it. I think?!

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