" Light . . . . I was wondering.. Are you doing okay? Last night was a bit rough.. Especially for you, and I know you'd probably avoid Charlie because of how she was acting, and what she said to you last night . . . " levi had spoken a bit more softer than his usual rough tone. Light was confused, but he most likely wanted to leave the room. He was starting to feel a panic rising inside of him . . . His heart beat had started racing like crazy and his breathing had quickend. He'd gripped onto the table for support.

"I. . . I'm fine why'd you ask?" light responded, he felt a lump in his throat, his vision started to become blurry and he was sure his voiced cracked a bit, and he was most likely certain, that levi had heard, he was certain for sure, because he'd heard the chair screech.

Levi had already rushed to his side, he wasn't sure on what to do, Alex had always helped calmed light down when he had panic attacks. But she wasn't awake, levi had been sure he'd started seeing, tears curve on lights chin before dropping to the floor. Levi needed to do something, he couldn't just stand here.

"Light? Buddy? Can you hear me? If you can, please calm down. . . I'm sorry if I said something that had upset you." levi spoke, there was both a panic and a worry heard in his voice, before light could adjust so that he can hear levi properly, he felt levi hug him from the side . . . Levi was saying something . . . Something inaudible, to light, most likely something to do with comphort?
he then relasied levi was dragging. No not dragging, pulling him down, slowly, so that light was sitting on the floor. He was leaning on levi now, his chest to be exact, hearing another human heartbeat, had started to calm light down, when light had managed to calm down he'd realise that levi was holding onto him. Clinging on to him, he was rubbing lights head as well holding his hand, they both thought of it as nothing, but comphort. Levi had stopped rubbing lights head, and was now holding onto his side. Once light had settled down. He'd realised he'd blacked out . . .

¦| Dream |¦
Pov : Light

Damn it! Why'd I have to black out for. I should have ingorned him! This wouldn't have happened then! This shouldn't have happened! Fuuuuuuuuck.
Oh great now I'm stuck in this weird place again.
Why do I keep comming back here for!? Is this weird nightmare trying to tell me something or what!?


Light had only realised that he felt a stinging on his wrist. He was unsure what it was so he brought it his wrist up to his face. He noticed a silver bracelet on his wrist, as well as blood that was dripping down to the floor now rolling down his arm. The bracelet was digging into his skin. He was sure that it would eventually break his wrist bone.

. . . . . . .

Light had heard a crunching noise. A noise that sounded like bones breaking by being munched on.
When light had looked, up and straight at it, he saw it. . . . . The tall black figure. It was skinny but tall, taller than levi about 8ft tall? Or was it 12ft tall? Anyways it was really tall. It didn't have eyes or a nose, it had four horns comming out of its head that was in a weird shape 2 on each side and on its head it had no eyes just a circular mouth with sharp triangular shaped teeth. The mouth was like a squids mouth accept at the same time it wasn't. Light stood there trying not to make a sound,but he'd noticed something or someone. It was blurry and he couldn't see the person or that something clearly. He'd had saw blood now oozing out of the body. He squeaked at the sight of it. Sure it wasn't normal for a human being to squeak like a squeaky toy or a mouse but light had done this often either when he's scared or he gets surprised, like how you get scared because everything Is dark and then you turn on the lights just to see everyone yell and jump up from their hiding places and yell 'Happy birthday!' really loud . . . The squad did that to light a few years back. That was a a bad idea. They did that. They scared light. Light stood in shock and fear. He started crying because he got really scared and he does not like to hear yelling or loud noises. Fireworks have an exception though. (he has sensative ears so he does get scared really badly when people yell or things get to loud).
Anyways the monster? It heard light. It turned around an arm in its mouth. It dropped the arm and started walking towards light, it was walking at a slow pace, before speeding up little by little before running full spread at light and lunging at him. But that's when light woke up.

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