Chapter 1 (OLD)

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this chapter will contain SH and ED so please don't report! you have been warned! ⚠️

¦¦ Memory ¦¦ - going through lights memorys

¦¦ Thought ¦¦ - going through his thoughts/what he is thinking.

¦¦ Context ¦¦ - part of the story that is first written in bold before the bold goes away, for speech / separating a diffrent moment with reality (reality in the story)

¦¦ Dream ¦¦ - inside lights head/dream. (seeing whats going on)

¦¦Reality ¦¦ - what's going on around him/what's going outside of his dream


strange... why am I in the bathroom?
why is there a stinging in my arm?
He Looked down at his arm
Huh . . . I wonder how deep the cut Goes . . . Why is my vision a bit blurry? Am I crying? I wonder how many times ive cried in the past 2 months? Or was it 3 years . . . Oh well. I guess I can try and firgre that out later... But what am I doing in the bathroom? Did something happen last night? I don't think I can remember . . . Now better get the blood cleaned up before Alex or the others wake up.

Light had realised he was holding something in his other hand. It was quiet small and when he looked at it he was both surprised and not surprised at the same time.

How deep can this toothpick cut through skin? Why on earth do I use tooth picks, when it comes to cutting? Is it because there easier to hide? Or is it because I can dispose them instead of having to clean it. Ah well I guess I'll never find out that answear.

Light had thrown away the tooth pick in the bin and had cleaned up the blood from his arm as well as put plaster on it before wrapping It up in a bandage, just in case it leaked a bit.

|¦ Context ¦|

Light had unlocked the door and walked, into his bedroom, sometimes he'd forget that he has his own bathroom. He walked over to his closet and pulled out a loose hoodie, Alex had gotten him for Christmas last year or was it 3 years ago?
He was wearing a shortsleeve shirt, so this was the best he could do to cover up the bandage.
He'd walked out of his room and downstairs to the kitchen. sure he'd spotted levi sitting there drinking a cup of coffe ( like he always does - explains why levi has coffe breath - ) and poured himself a coup of coffe. He The proceed to put a bit of whip cream on it to make it a bit sweet, since he had not liked the taste of bitter things, and drank the coffe. Which made levi spit out his coffe. If light knew one thing its that levi had never seen light drink coffe. Levi knew very well, that light had a sweet tooth and preferred things that are sweet but not bitter sweet.

"Who are you and what have you done to the sweet tooth light that I know!" levi asked.
Levi was like a friend to light, but now days, light had avoided him during the day when levi was fully clothed in black, it was only that early in the mornings that light had actually managed to have a conversation with him, levi tried to talk to light during the day but all light did was mostly walk away at a fast pace. And so levi stopped trying, since it must've felt like he was forcing light to speak to him.

"Very funny levi. It's still the same old me, just a bit of lack of sleep that's all."light spoke. He was sure levi was going to ask why he'd avoided him during the day. But he'd gotten a diffrent question a question light had not wanted to hear, after getting asked that long ago.

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