George is more surprised by this.

Even if she was Wilbur's cousin and only one year younger, it felt weird to know that she was taking the time to call. Izzy was an extremely likable person, and it was hard to get a spot on her non-existent agenda.

Always bustling with energy tinted with sarcasm, she was popular and barley had time to hang out with George and Wilbur, even when George wasn't hospitalized yet and didn't move halfway across the world.

The brunette slides his finger across the green icon and waits a couple of seconds for the call to properly connect.

"Hello?" he stupidly asks, setting the phone on loudspeaker. "Izzy, did something happen?"

"Did something happen?" she coughs. "Yes, George. Something happened because you got a boyfriend and didn't tell me."

George is stunned at this point. How did news go across the world and into the presence of old friends?

Especially news that the brunette kept a secret. It wasn't like he posted pictures of himself with Dream under the hashtag #couplegoals.

And even if he did, his few Instagram followers would probably scroll past it or label it as satire.

Even if George had posted a photo of them kissing, most people would probably not believe it and call it a hoax.

The last time George socialized with his old friends, they knew him as a light-hearted boy who was as straight as a metal ruler. They would also wonder how the brunette could ever meet and kiss someone who looked like a Seventeen front cover model.

George had only told Wilbur, and he didn't give many details. Just tiny facts that he liked Dream and that those feelings were mutual.


"Did Wilbur tell you?" George questions, even though he knows the answer is an undeniable 'yes.'

"Fuck Wilbur for a second. When did you guys start dating?"

"Izzy," George cautioned. "Wilbur is very part of this conversation and I don't want everyone else to find out."

"Answer my question," she pressed with a firm tone. "And don't get mad at Wilbur, I beat him with a pillow until he told me."


George's friend just sighs. "If you must know, we were at a family dinner. We're cousins, if you forgot."

"No, I remember very clearly."

"Good, because I only just realized that you forget a lot of things, including the fact that you got a boyfriend and didn't bother to tell your best friend," Izzy huffs.

George just rolls his eyes, but it's light-hearted and he knows that he couldn't possibly stay annoyed at her.

"I saw him chatting with you, then he just randomly leaves the room and keeps texting you out in the lawn," Izzy explains. "Then you can piece out what happens next."

"Poor Will."

"Not 'poor Will,' he definitely deserved that for not trying to tell me. And you, you deserve to answer my questions."

George considers for a second, but he knows he's going to end up giving in.

He hated to admit it, but he missed Izzy and her childish yet entertaining antics.

"So when'd you make it official?"

George thinks for a bit, because when Dream had finally asked him, it felt late. As if their relationship was already mutually established long ago.

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