Chapter Eleven : Temporary Magic Knight Reporting For Duty!

Start from the beginning

I forcefully tore my gaze away from it and looked at the deer who gazed down at me, "I better get going, hope to see you around." I waved and turned to walk through the forest, but I felt my shirt being tugged on and before I knew it I was in the pond whic was surprisingly very deep..

I accidentally gasped and water gushed into my lungs, stinging the crap out of them, I quickly grabbed my throat to stop water from going in anymore. My eyes burned as light shone through my eyelids, I slowly opened them up to see the water was the bright blue, and all around me swam white jellyfish. They swam up until they hit the surface, where they disappeared. Some seemed to notice me and pushed themselves in my direction, only to do a little twist then continue upwards. I watched for as long as I could but the need for air was alarmingly apparent so I followed them up.

I broke the surface and climbed onto the land, I coughed up water and took deep breaths. My whole body felt frigid and I couldn't stop shivering and chattering my teeth together. "D-Damn you de-eer." I stutter out. I glanced behind me to see the deer on the other side of the lake, chilling and drinking the now seemingly permanent bright blue water, not caring about my existence now that I'm not needed.

I sat up on the steps and noticed that I was at the pedestal, it was actually slightly crooked and the orb looked like it wasn't properly in. I decided before I went back to set the orb back in. I grabbed it and warmth spread through my body, the chattering stopped and I was able to relax. I closed my eyes to enjoy the heat but then noticed that the waterfall stopped. I cracked open an eye to see that the orb was slowly becoming black, the power was getting sucked out because of me.

"No- nonono go back go back!" I tried shoving the orb back in but the holding mechanism snapped off, "NO!" I fumbled with the orb before just lightly placing it down where it was before I picked it up, but as I let go the last of the blue left the orb and it now remained pitch back. I turned to look at the deer and saw it was backing up from the bright blue water, as if it was now infected. The water dimmed back to normal but went even farther and also turned black, it started bubbling as if it was tar.

"Great- I just screwed up a perfectly good altar and now I'm stuck! Of course this would happen! Nobody can just pet a deer and get away with it!" I paced, "this is your fault!!" I pointed to the deer, "if you didn't throw me in this wouldn't have happened!!"

The deer stared at me before running back into the woods.

"FLAKER!!" I yelled after it.

I looked down at the tar like water and sighed. I'm not sure what it will do if I step in it.

"Hey Martha, get me out of here please!" I called but she didn't respond, "great. Two flakers." I grumbled.

A small light shone from underneath the water, it wiggled around before emerging out of it. It was a jellyfish! More popped through in a line, making a path for me. "Thank you guys! And I'm really sorry if this isn't what you meant or wanted." I took a cautious step on the fist one and realized that it was quite stable. I took my next step, then another, and another. Before I knew it I was back on the right dry land!

The jellyfish dipped back down and vanished from my sight.

I let my gaze run across the new downgraded pond with sadness. I caused this. The water was pitch black, the waterfall was no more, and the pedestal now looked more crooked and a now black orb sat upon it, no magic anywhere to be found in it. I saw a critter go up to the water but it ran away once it got a sniff.

It was sad.

I sighed but turned away, if there was anyway to fix this place then I will be back but I'm stupid so I don't know yet. Hopefully it wasn't Rill's.

I am in Your Debt. (Black Clover Captains x female reader)Where stories live. Discover now