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-Vi's POV-

Something isn't right, Those girls early seemed strange, I think to myself as I walk to a patio looking at Y/n give her speech.

Suddenly I black out sometimes hit my head really hard.

All I can hear is explosions and screaming and yelling.

I wake up to Caitlyn carrying me out of the building, her face partially covered in dirt and tears.

"What- what happened?" I mumble but she couldn't hear me, "Take her to the my House please" she asks one of Y/N's most trusted enforcers.

I sooner or later fall asleep.

(Caitlyn's POV)

"Have you seen Y/n?" I ask the announcer "No I am so sorry" he says running away from the building, I try to go back in but some enforcers hold me back.

"LET ME GO WHAT IF Y/N IS IN THERE" I yell at them "she's not in there my lady, we checked 3 times" I was furious, why now? Who took her?

I tried to hold back my tears "FIND HER!" I demand them, they went to go search for Y/n.

Please be alive.

(Y/N's POV)

I was in the middle of a speech then someone shot my stomach and, everyone started screaming and running to help me.

Next thing I knew an explosion went off, knocking me out.

Suddenly someone slaps me I shake my face to ware off the pain. "Sorry it was taking you to long to wake up" Evelyn says as I feel a hand patting my face.

I move my face away from the hand, "You're a feisty diplomat, How about we keep that to a minimum ok?, for your friend's sake" Evelyn says as I look over to see Vi chained up too.

I glare at Evelyn, "Why?" I ask "why? You know why, You have all the power in the world to change the everything, but yet you decide not to use that power, like Mel" she explains getting a bunch of tools and syringes.

"What did you think my speech was going to be about? I may have not been born here but I am apart of Zaun and Piltover, I want to cha-!" "DON'T lie, I've watched you all my life you're not from Zaun, you wouldn't know anything-!"

"How DARE YOU-!" I get electrocuted midway talkin.

It felt- ticklish, so I laugh out.

They stop electrocuting me, a fists punches me, "What's so funny huh?" Evelyn asks "What's funny is that you thought I was from Piltover" I chuckle lightly.

"Oh Sevika~" I coo "How come you didn't tell her? I really wonder" I giggle.

"The hell is she talking about?" Evelyn looks at Sevika, "Yea Sevi~ what am I talking about? Tell her the time you trained me how to use a switchblade" I giggle more at the fact that she's been keeping secrets of her own.

"Tell her the time we always walked through Zaun and showed me all the places I could set up a, 'date'" I coo.

"H-how does she-!" "Know? It's cuz I was born with me and my sister. My parents died when I was only a little runt," I pause while bringing back old memories.

"Me, vi, Powder, my sister, we got saved by a man who was betrayed by his own family" I glare at Sevika who just looked away.

"But, that was old times, how about we make new ones?" My voice echos loudly.

"It starts with you telling me why you betrayed me.." I look at Sevika "You know why-!" "Give me a reason"  (WHAT WAS THE REASOOOON!! I'm sorry I need to stop! 💀💀 back to the story)

"You know why, he just wanted us to sit and wait around like little ass dogs while pilties get the privilege to do whatever they pleased-!" "But who protected you.."

"Hm?" Sevika goes silent.

"WHO PROTECTED YOU SEVIKA?" I yell louder so she can hear me.

"Who protected all of you?, ME! That's who, I busted my ass for you guys to live another day, me and vander did what we could to protect and defend you" I shake my head looking away from her.

"I'm going to ask you again.."

"Why did you do it?"

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