What Happened?

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A/n: Heyyyy how are y'all?

Listen I may not upload for the next week or so, I've been a little stressed with 1. My Dad and 2. I have a writer's block.

If I get some more inspiration I should be uploading this weekend or earlier

-Y/N's POV-

I look around "Hello?" My voice echos through the darkness.

I hear a little girl crying "Hello? Powder?" I call out, I walk to the noise and I see Jinx, she looks back at me angry, her eyes glowing a reddish pink.

She laughs running to me, like a happy kid. "OH Y/N MY FAVORITE SISTER" she hugs me tightly. I look at her more hugging her back, "YOURE THE ONLY ONE WHO EXCEPTS ME FOR WHO I AM! right?" She looks at me with doll eyes.

"Of course, but you can't put other people's lives in danger" I say tucking a strand of hair behind her ear.

"I want you to be the best version of yourself" I say kissing her forehead. She giggles and laughs, "OH Y/N! Always trying to comfort someone, I almost feel bad for you" she says turning away from me.

"What do you mea-!" I turn her to look at me but her face started to glitch and laugh, I gasp walking backwards.

"DONT LEAVE ME!!" I see a bunch of glitchy monsters surround me, they reach out to me begging and pleading.

I hold my head from all the noise "EVERYONE SHUT UP, SHE'S TRYING TO THINK" powder says glitching.

The noise only got louder, I start to groan and cry from all the noise. "Y/n! y/n!" The monsters call for me.

"Y/n?" VI's voice call to me, she gets closer to hug me, she kisses me hugging me closer. "Y/N?!" Cailtyn's voice call out to me "HAVE YOU FORGOTTEN ABOUT ME?!" Cailtyn's voice yell in betrayal.

I pull away from Vi a little, I reach out to Cailtyn but vi pulls me away from her. "You loved ME first" Vi says holding me close.

I feel a sharp pain in my head, the noises got even louder.

"SHUT UP!!" I scream out and everything goes black.

Everything glitches and I gasp.

I wake up jerking my body towards ceiling.

"Hey hey hey easy easy" Cailtyn hugs onto me, I can feel the my body coated in sweat, I shiver a bit since it was kinda cold. "Oh cupcake" Vi says hugging onto me.

I breathe heavily, "what- what happened?" I ask, "You tried to walk to your room but you passed out" Vi explains.

That was weird, haven't had something like that, I get some tissue to wipe my nose. I look down at the tissue, "Blood?" I look at the tissue.

I wipe my nose more "You ok? Love" "Cupcake?" Vi and Caitlyn worry more "I'm ok" I say throwing the tissue away "No you're not, Love. I think you should sit the meeting out, we can reschedule" Cailtyn says laying me down.

"What Sweet cheeks said, you should rest this one out" Vi trying to prevent me from getting up, "No no, I'm good" I say getting up.

"I need to talk to her anyways" "This can wai-" "Cailtyn, I'm fine" I say getting up "It was just a minor pass out, nothing new" I say walking to the bathroom.

Vi follows behind me "What do you mean nothing new? This can't happen again, I can't lose you again-!" Vi says stressing over me, she pulls my arm a bit "Listen Vi, I'm fine, You won't lose me, I'm here and I'm glad to be here" I say kisses her nose.

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