Our New Versions

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-Y/N's POV-

Its been 5 days since that explosion, Cailtyn and Jayce have been working on calming down the public.

I on the other hand have been waiting and healing, IT'S been SO fucking BORING, doesn't make it any better when people baby you but some days it's nice.

Cailtyn and Vi seem to be getting closer, I'm happy about it, it's so cute to see them get along.

I get up from my bed and open the door to check if anyone was around, I sneak out and climb one of the buildings going to the top of the roof.

I can see Cailtyn and Jayce making a speech, "In conclusion we will be making our one and only trust worthy protector, Y/n Celeste Madarda Kiramman" Jayce says as the crowd cheered, there were a few boos but still I was shocked.

I don't think I'm fit to be leader "Her Wife Caitlyn Kiramman and Vi will help and guide her to the right decisions" Jayce says and I can see Cailtyn smile but on the inside she is worried too.

"I can't lead, I can't even protect the people around me, let alone the whole city, no no no no there must be a mistake" I say as my mind starts racing and I hold my head.

I can't, I can't

YOU HAVE TO GUARDIAN Mylo's voice repeats in my head.

WE WILL GUIDE YOU, Mylo's and Claggor's voice echoes in my head.

"Thank you, but it's just, I couldn't protect you two, how am I supposed to protect a while damn city ?" I says looking over to see Mylo's monster looking at me.

"You may have failed to save us, that is why you protect others so you won't make the same mistake" Mylo and Claggor's voice talks in union.

"Funny hearing this from Mylo" I say and Claggor's monster laughs,

DONT MAKE ME HAUNT YOU MORE Mylo's monster glitches in my face, i jump back a little, I wasn't ready for the jump scare.

"Sorry sorry" I say looking down and crossing my arms

"DONT SCARE HER, SHES ALREADY DAMAGED AS IS!" Claggor's Monster scolds Mylo, I look at Claggor's monster smiling as it hugs me.

Mylo's Monster hugs me too

YOU GOT THIS GUARDIAN Mylo's Monster says echoing and glitching,

"Thanks Mylo" I say smiling, they disappear and I sigh.

I don't know if I can, but I'll try.

"You are supposed to be in bed" someone coos in my ear, I turn around to see Vi, "And you need a bell" I cross my arms.

She hugs me and I hug her back nuzzling my head in her shoulder. "So how much did you hear?" I ask muffled into her shoulder.

"Most of it" she says as she stops hugging me looking down where Cailtyn is, "You May not think you can protect them but, you can, you've protected the undercity ever since it was built" Vi says as looks back at me smiling.

"It's different, Piltover people can't even take a slap, The undercity can protect themselves at least a little. They can take a punch or two, it's when enforcers or bad people start preying on others.. that's where I come in" i explain while hugging myself.

"We will teach them, build them back up, then when we are nice and organized, we will then make fair rights for the undercity" Vi says as she looks down at the crowd.

"All those people that are cheering for you, it's cute how they follow you so easily"Vi says.

"And the people that hates the idea, hates me in general" i says looking down at them.

"Don't worry about that" Vi says putting her hand on my waist. "They'll come around some day" she puts her head on mine.

I jump down and Vi follows me back to the house, "WHERE THE HELL HAVE YOU BEEN" A angry but worried Cailtyn yells at me marching to me.

She hugs me tightly "I just wanted to see what the speech was about, that's all" I muffle into her arm. "At least tell someone" Cailtyn scolds me.

"I will next time, I promise" I kiss her cheek and she hugs me again. "Believe me I'm nervous too about the leader situation, but I promise to protect this city by your side, and when the time is right, we will make equal rights to Zaun" Cailtyn says looking at me.

Her hands on my shoulders "That's what I'm worried about Caitlyn, I can't bare the fact that I may drive these people into a war that their not ready for, and I can't lose you because of me." I say looking down.

"I understand, but that doesn't mean I won't do anything to protect you" "Me too" Vi and Cailtyn hug me.

"Thank you" I say patting their arms, "Tomorrow you actually have a meeting with Queen Madarda" Cailtyn says standing up properly.

I sigh, "haven't seen her in years didn't think she was the type to visit" I say walking into the house.

Cailtyn and Vi follow me "Isn't Queen madarda Mel?" Vi asks walking next to me confused "Mel may have been the richest Madarda in piltover but she wasn't a Queen, yet, I mean she was" I say the last part in a somewhat flirtatious way.

Cailtyn slaps my shoulder "Ow ow, You can't deny that she wasn't hot" I say rubbing my arm, Cailtyn shrugs her shoulders. "You do have a point but still!"Cailtyn says crossing her arms.

"Oh come on don't be jealous" I say hugging her from behind while walking, "Only you and Vi have my heart" I whisper in her ear, "Always?" Cailtyn asked in a pouty voice "Always" I say kissing her cheek "Well damn I guess I'm just a third wheel!!" Vi says walking fast.

"Aww c'mon Vi don't be like that" I say pacing after her "SHIT why are you walking so fast, these thighs are tired" I say out of breath.

I catch up to her and she turns away from me, I hug onto her "Viiiiii" I whine while hugging her, she doesn't say a word "Please don't give me the silent treatment" I say hugging her stomach and my face on her chest-

I look up at her with a pouty face, "Please don't leave me" I whine laying my head back down on her chest.

I hear her snicker "You're so needy" Vi teases and Cailtyn walk up "She's always been like that" Cailtyn comments.

"Really?" I hear Vi ask in a teasing yet curious way, "Ever since we met she would come over to our house whenever Mel was gone, she would cuddle up to me whenever I tried to leave or when she would hear noises outsi-!" "THATS ENOUGH OUTTA YOU" I interrupt Cailtyn by covering her mouth with my hand.

"Awww you never cuddled up next to mee" Vi fake whines, "We did cuddle" "Yea but not every time Vander wasn't home" "You weren't one that was down to cuddle" I say crossing my arms.

I fell silent almost like I forgot something.

"We need to get ready for that meeting-!" For some reason my vision went blurry and the air felt like it wasn't passing through my lungs.

I fell on the floor, hearing Vi and Cailtyn Call for me.

A/n: hope you enjoy

I'm sorry for any errors

Love you guys so much

~Love Author ✍️

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