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        "A girl?" He said slowly as he stared at her, his shock, all the more evident.

        "Aye." She groaned in a silky but firm voice as she writhed, uncomfortably, under him. "Now get off me will you! You do not think yourself as weightless as a babe in arms do you?" She grunted.

        "Pardon me." He managed to say as he rolled over and lifted himself off the ground. He gave her a hand which she completely ignored as she stood up on her own.

        He watched as she dusted off dried up leaf stalks and dirt from her clothing. She had short jet black hair -its smooth silky strands currently in disarray- framing an oval face with pointy chin. Her shimmery gray eyes, which glowed silver in the light, were large and well protected by long thick lashes. She was lithe and well endowed, not even her coarse clothing could hide those delicate curves and good gracious was she tall, for a girl. Standing gracefully at 5 ft 10.

        Zayn gave her a once over once more and gulped audibly. She was -though garbed in men's clothing- incredibly breathtaking, he thought as his heart did a triple somersault in the confinement of his chest.

        "So what business does a girl have in--" He stopped short as she quickly pulled out her dagger from its sheath on her waist and pinned it to his throat. The same dagger she'd used to cut through the obstructing thorns and branches in the forest. He hardly noticed when she even sheathed it. No surprise there, her entire being was distracting.

        "I am hardly a girl. I am more of a woman of mature seasons and i shall not permit you to address me as," She quirked an eyebrow. "Just a girl."

        "My apologies Miss." He said as he quickly unarmed her of her dagger in quick deft moves, drew her closer to himself and put her dagger back in its sheath on her belt. "I don't fancy a lady swinging around dangerous toys anywhere close to fifty feet of me." He said with a beguiling grin and earned a mocking smile from her as she pinned a second dagger to his midriff.

        "What toys?" Her smile widened into a grin as he arched his brows. "Care to repeat?" She whispered, eyes locked with his.

        Her voice was doing things to his sanity. Turning his usually ordered thoughts, chaotic.

        He shook his head as he quickly drew out the dagger he'd just placed in its sheathe on her belt and they both exchanged a few moves expertly. Ten intense moves later, her dagger was once again pointed to his throat and his at her midriff. Faces drawn close together.

        "You fight beautifully." He whispered.

        "Just a few dull moves I managed to pick up from my foster father. Naught too fancy." She said as she stepped back and sheathed her dagger.

        "You call those moves dull? Are you perhaps trying to bruise my ego?" He mocked a hurt look even though his eyes were filled with mirth.

        She laughed softly with her head cocked to the side. "Did it work?"

        "Well yes, but seeing as you've the face of a primordial goddess, it could be easily overlooked." His smile widened even more when he noticed the faint blush that tinted her lovely features as she looked away. Gorgeous. He cleared his throat to cease his distracting thoughts and asked again. "Why are you here Miss."

        Myra looked to him again. "I heard from the people that someone was going to give food out to them. So i thought to come and see for myself." She said but couldn't express to him how disappointed she was to meet him and not the prince.

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