Chapter 14 (AOTC)

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The group arrive at Patch and begin to look around for anyone that can provide answers. They then come across an old friend. Watto.


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Watto: Da wanga!

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Watto: Da wanga!

(Y/N): Chut-chut, Watto. Ding mi chesa hopa.

(Y/N) picks up the robot and begins to fix it.

Watto: Ke booda? Yo baan pee hota. No wega mi condorta. Kin chasa du Jedi. No bata tu tu.

Watto drops his screwdriver and curses in his native language.

(Y/N): Mi boska di Skyler Willaims.

(Y/N) continues to fix the robot while Watto starts to suspect it was that same little boy.

Watto: (Y/N)? Little (Y/N)? Nahhh. You are (Y/N)! It is you! You sure sprouted, huh? Wee-hoo! A Jedi! Whattaya know! Hey... maybe you could help with someone deadbeats who owe me a lot of money.

(Y/N): Skyler.

Watto: Oh, yeah. Skyler. Uh... she's not mine-a no more-a. I sold her.

(Y/N): You sold her?

Watto: Years ago. Sorry, (Y/N), but you know, business is business, huh? Yeah, I sold her to a bartender called, uh, Lars. At least I think it was Lars. Believe it or not I heard he freed her and married her! Can ya beat that, eh? Yeah.

(Y/N): Do you know where they are now?

Watto: Ooh, long way from here. Someplace over on the otherside on the island, I think, mmm.

(Y/N): I'd like to know.

Watto: Eh, sure. Absolutely! Let's go look at my records, huh?

Watto takes (Y/N) and the teams inside to find out where Skyler is.

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