-Chapter 18-

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Chapter 18

A loud bang rang through their ears. Taeyong pulled from Jaehyun's lips and held onto the seat as the car swerved. A couple bumps make them jump in their seats and then a mild impact, shoving Taeyong to the floor of the car. Jaehyun lurched forward into the seat in front of him. Then it was still.

"What the fuck?" Jaehyun said through gritted teeth.

He leaned forward and opened the slot to the front seats. He sat there, not moving or breathing.

"What's wrong?" Taeyong placed his hand on Jaehyun's shoulder.

"Just stay here," he flinched back to life.

He reached under his seat and pulled out a gun. He opened his door and told Taeyong to stay again as he shut it. Another gunshot whizzed through the windshield, piercing the passenger seat. Taeyong peeked out the slot and saw the man Jaehyun had argued with a while ago.

They were yelling at each other again. The front of the car was smashed into the side of a brick building. Taeyong could see that it wasn't anything but an alleyway. The working headlight flooded enough to see the man.

Jaehyun ran towards him, aiming the gun. He took a shot but the man had run into another alley, vanishing into the dark. Jaehyun chased after him, gun still loaded. Taeyong just realized he was breathing deeply.

He shut his eyes and thought for a second. He knew what he had to do. It's not that he had to, he wanted to. This was his chance and it felt right. He searched the car and found another loaded gun in the glove department.

He cocked the gun and opened the car door, leaving it open as he walked to the mouth of the alley. A dark void on each side of him. He took the opposite direction of the others. Instead of running he walked so he was quiet.

There were only sounds of mice scurrying from hole to hole. He couldn't hear any footsteps, Jaehyun had completely lost track of the man. His thoughts raced back to Taeyong. He was worried that he went back for Taeyong, it's who he wanted in the first place. Maybe this was a deception. Jaehyun turned around and tried to remember the way back to the car.

Taeyong ducked next to the corner of a building and watched. He could hear somebody breathing and he would wait to see who it was. The man covered his eyes as the car's light blinded him. He turned around and looked frantically to his side. It's like he didn't know where he was.

Taeyong lifted the gun to his face. He took aim and fired. The man groaned and fel to the ground. He reached for his leg and squeezed as hard as he could to keep the blood from flowing out. Taeyong stood up and walked over to him, his boots clacking against the concrete.

He kicked the man's hand from his leg and then kneeled by his face. He cocked his head to the side, letting the hair in his face fall away so he could look at him with both eyes.

"What are you here for?" Taeyong's voice said lowly.

"Fuck off you cheap slut," the man said, spitting at Taeyong. He sounded like an avid smoker.

Taeyong took out a pack and lit a cigarette for himself. After a few puffs, he stuck the cigarette into the man's mouth, holding it shut. Taeyong finally let go and he spit the soggy bud out, coughing on ashes.

"I'm going to ask one more time. What are you here for?" Taeyong asked, agitated.

"Well I was going to take you for myself but I didn't know that Jung kid trained his bitches," the man wiped his mouth.

Taeyong smashed his boot across his jaw line. He walked toward the car as the man spat out blood, whining about losing a tooth. Taeyong turned around, his silhouette covering the man on the ground.

"Fuck you," Taeyong raised his hand.

One side of his coat slid down his arm, exposing his shoulder. Right as he pulled the trigger, Jaehyun came out from the dark. He watched as the bullet flew through the man's skull, painting the concrete red.

Jaehyun ran over to Taeyong, swatting the gun out of his hand. He drew him in close and held him in his embrace.

"Are you ok? He didn't touch you did he?" Jaehyun asked frantically.

Taeyong pulled away and wiped at his face.

"I'm fine, he just spit on me. But we don't have to worry about him now," Taeyong replied.

The morning sun was starting to rise, filling the bottom of the alley with golden light.

"I have something to talk to you about. Let's head home and I'll tell you on the way," Taeyong held his hand out to him.

Jaehyun nodded his head, fitting his hand in Taeyong's.

They started walking and Taeyong explained his whole life to him. Told him what kind of house he was raised in, the murder's he commited, the thrill he gets from killing. He told him how he remembers everything. How he uses an innocent allusion to hide himself from people until he knows their true intentions. He told him everything there is to know about his twisted self.

In return, Jaehyun shared the parts of him he hasn't told anyone. Told him how the man Taeyong just killed was the real mastermind behind his father's death. And about how he has been after his whole family for years.

They made it to the gate of their house. They walked the long gravel road, the sun a little higher in the sky now. Pink light blanketed the yard, revealing the morning dew and slight fog. They stopped before the front door.

"I hope this doesn't change anything between us. I won't hide myself from you anymore. And I want you to know... that I love you," Taeyong stared at their feet, scared he would get cast aside again.

Jaehyun took Taeyong's other hand so that their bodies faced each other. Taeyong looked up and saw Jaehyun smiling down at him. A warm blush dusted his face, almost matching his hair.

"I love you too Taeyong. I'd love it if you stayed here with me, by my side. I'd love to call you mine in every sense of the word. I don't want this to feel forced anymore. I've liked you a long time and I just didn't know how to be a normal couple," Jaehyun confessed.

"Baby, we weren't made to be normal. We are both from a different place and that doesn't matter. I'd love to be yours," Taeyong said, placing his hand along Jaehyun's jaw.

Jaehyun leaned in and kissed Taeyong. They stayed that way for a couple minutes before breaking apart.

"If I'm honest, I've felt like yours since the moment I entered this house. It felt like I belonged. I let that innocent side of me do the worrying. But me? I was already in love," Taeyong confessed.

"Speaking of that side of you. Are you capable of being like that without it being fake?" Jaehyun asked seriously.

"Ya, he's gone though. But he is a part of me personally. Just because I'm a killer doesn't mean I don't possess humane feelings. I can't always be mean," Taeyong smirked. "Why? Do you like being cuddled and loved on?" Taeyong teased, drawing circles on Jaehyun's chest.

"Psh, no. Well...kinda?" Jaehyun was flustered now. "Let's just get inside, I'm tired now," Jaehyun said, opening the door.

They were greeted by Kun as they walked up the stairs to their room. They changed back into comfy clothes and climbed into bed. Jaeyun pulled Taeyong close and kissed his forehead.

"Let's just stay this way all day," Taeyong said, snuggling into Jaehyun's side.

"Sounds like a plan, honey," Jaehyun smiled and closed his eyes.

The sky was a shade of light blue, spotted with fluffy clouds. The warm light shines through the balcony, creating a warm glow in the room.

yo my allergies suck ass

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