-Chapter 9-

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Chapter 9: Dinning Room Date

Taeyong woke up a little cold. He shivered a bit and pulled the blanket closer.

"Cute," he heard someone in the room mumble.

He shot his head up and looked around the room in panic. Jaehyun was a few feet away, buttoning up a black silk work shirt. Taeyong gulped a bit at the steamy sight in front of him.

"Well good morning. Would you like some breakfast in bed today?" Jaehyun smiled as he left the two top buttons undone.

"Sure," Taeyong said, rubbing his eyes.

Jaehyun tapped the door a couple times. Jisung held the door open as Jeno entered with a bed table and food. He sat it over Taeyong's lap as commanded. Jaehyun thanked the boys and ushered them out. Taeyong stared at the fluffy waffles and strawberries with hungry eyes.

"Go ahead and eat up," Jaehyun went into the bathroom.

Taeyone was finished and cleaning his face while Jaehyun brushed his hair.

"I have to go to a meeting for a few hours. Maybe you could explore the closet today?" Jaehyun side eyed Taeyong as he fastened the watch on his wrist.

"Hopefully you're not gone too long, I don't want to be bored," Taeyong replied with a pout.

"If you need anything, Jisung and Chenle will be right outside your door," he said.

Jaehyun pulled at Taeyong's waist. They were now face to face. Jaehyun kept glancing at Taeyong's pink lips, wanting to kiss them again. He leaned down a bit and glanced back up at the older's eyes for permission. The stuttering in Taeyong's breath gave him the signal and he closed the distance. It was just a couple closed kisses before Jaehyun pulled away. Jaehyun tasted the sweetness of syrup and the sour of strawberries.

"I'll see you when I get back," Jaehyun smiled as he put his suit jacket over his arm and left.

Taeyong was dazed. After he processed what happened, he explored the closet for a while. When he got bored searching through the clothes, he peeked outside the bedroom door. Just as Jaehyun said, the two kids were standing outside.

"Well hello Master Taeyong," Jisung greeted him with a smile.

"Oh, hi Master," Chenle also smiled.

"Hey kids," Taeyong greeted back.

"Is something the matter?" Jisung asked, brows furrowing a bit.

"Aw you look cute like that. To answer your question, no I'm just bored," Taeyong shrugged.

"Isn't he? Everytime I call him cute he smacks my arm and tells me to stop," Chenle pouted.

"I do n-not," Jisung blushed a little and smacked Chenle's arm.

Taeyong smirked a little as he watched the two. "Are you guys able to escort me somewhere fun?" Taeyong asked.

"Like what?" Jisung turned and faced Taeyong.

"How about the pool?" Chenle lit up a little.

"Sounds good to me. I'll get some swimming trunks on," Taeyong smiled and headed back to the closet.

He changed into blue trunks with yellow fishes on them. He grabbed 2 other pairs, hoping to persuade the kids to go with him. He walked back to the hallway and greeted them with the swimsuits. Fortunately, they agreed.

They had spent all afternoon in the pool and made sure to get out an hour before Jaehyun was supposed to be back. The kids dropped Taeyong off at the room and headed to the guest bathrooms to change back into their work suits.

Taeyong opened the bedroom door and headed to the closet. He flipped through clothes for something to wear. When he finally felt satisfied, he went to the vanity to do his makeup. He applied nude eye shadow because he didn't feel like being fancy today. He had a bold green turtleneck tucked into high waisted jeans with wide bottoms. He decided to top it off with a pair of high heeled boots. He sat back in his chair after finishing his makeup. Right as he was about to let out a sigh, the door opened.

"Good evening, beautiful. Care if I join for dinner?" Jaehyun asked, holding out his arm.

Taeyong smiled widely and hopped out of his seat. He looped his arm with Jaehyun's as he led the way. The hallways were so quiet, you could hear his heels clicking against the hard floor. Jaehyun dropped Taeyongs arm and held the door open for him. He even pulled out his chair and scooted him in. It was kind of weird to see him be so polite.

"What would you like for dinner tonight?" Jaehyun asked, leaning closer to him.

"Steak and wine?" Taeyong gave a questioning answer as if to ask if his decision was good.

Jaehyun hummed in response and snapped his fingers. Jeno came from the door adjacent to his chair.

"Tell Doyoung that he will be having steak with pan fried diced potatoes. And please bring a bottle of my oldest red wine, thank you," Jaehyun smiled and faced back toward Taeyong.

"Ah I forgot one thing," Jaehyun reached into his pocket and took out his phone.

He typed and sent a quick message. Within a few seconds, another butler brought in two candlesticks. After he left the room, the dinner hall lights dimmed to let the candles shed the light. Taeyong's heart flipped with the romantic setting, his jaw slackened in awe.

"Beautiful," Jaehyun whispered, staring at Taeyong with his chin in his hand.

"Thank you," Taeyong blushed and pushed his shoulders inward.

The food was brought in and they dined in peace. Occasionally starting small talk. Jaehyun threw a couple jokes in there. Taeyong's giggles made his heart flutter and he had never experienced that feeling before but he was addicted already.

Taeyong on the other hand was surprised to hear Jaehyun laugh. It was angelic in a way. He never would have thought that a man like him could laugh. He actually looked pretty when his dimples were enhanced from his gorgeous smile.

just a fun chapter today

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