"Hey. Your friends ditch you?" The guy asked. 

"No, I always do the brainwork." Velma answered.

The guy scooted closer and looked at what she was working on. "What’s this?"

Velma looked at him and smiled. "I believe it's called the Daemon Ritus."

"Daemon Ritus? What’s it for?" The guy asked.

"This describes an old race of creatures. It's reminiscent of Pandaemonous texts, so I can make some of it out. It looks like instructions to some sort of secret ritual. It is fascinating." The bartender placed two cups in front of the both of them and Velma took a sip of it. 

"You really dig doing this, huh? Like, clues and stuff." He asked.

"Certainly. Really focusing on a mystery reminds me of the old days." Velma said. 


The Gang were all in the Mystery machine driving back home or heading to a mystery that was waiting for them. 

"We were quite a crew back then. That was the best time of my life. Sarah and Scooby... What goofballs! Kinda of like they are today."

Sarah and Scooby were in the backseat  behind Velma, drinking a milkshake and Scooby took a sip of her shake.

"And Daphne... So beautiful. They were the coolest girls at Coolsville High."

Daphne was in the middle of the front seat, smiling.

"Fred. He was so handsome. And he really knew how to accessorize." 

Fred was driving the Mystery machine, smiling at Daphne and looking back at the road.

"Sounds perfect." The guy said.
"Yeah, but every family has one nut."

"Scrappy-Dappy-Doo! Ghosts don't stand a chance with me. Let me at 'em. I'll rack 'em. I'll sock 'em." Scrappy Doo is Scooby's annoying puppy cousin who is always irritating the whole gang.

"Scrappy, For the thousandth time, there's no such thing as ghosts." Fred said. 

"Sure there are. When I find them, I'll give them a dose of puppy power!" Apparently that actually made Scrappy peed on Daphne. "Oh, God. He's peeing on me." That made Fred press down on the breaks and Scrappy hit the window.

"That little egomaniac had flipped his lid. "

"Scrappy, I told you, no urinating on Daphne." Fred said, sternly.

"It was an accident." Scrappy defended himself, crossing his arms.

"You were marking your territory." Fred growled.

"You don't have the scrote for this job. Listen up, losers. The time has come to appoint me your unquestioned leader. Either that, or I'm out of here." Scrappy said. 

"Velma, open your window." Sarah said,  reaching over Velma's head and grabbed Scrappy's ear and throwing him outside. "Now, leave us alone!" 

"What's the idea? You can't do this to me. People adore me." The mystery machine drove off  and Scrappy kicked his suitcase. "Ow! I'm as cute as a Powerpuff Girl. I'll get my own show." Scrappy groaned.
~end of flashback~

Velma was laughing and had her arm on the guy's shoulder. "Puppy power, huh?" He asked, smiled and chuckled.
"And he wasn't even a puppy. He had a gland disorder." Velma said, then laughed she was clearly drunk. 

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