Chapter Sixty: I'll Fix you.

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Arrow's POV

I gasp for air.

My lungs feel like they are on fire. My body feels extremely cold and numb.

I can't quite grasp what brain feels so hazy...even my brain feels extremely numb...what did happen?

Suddenly I'm being forced to open my eyes.

"Wake up!" A voice rings through my mind, pain appearing against my face jolting my whole body.

I let out a loud cry of pain as I just about manage to open my eyes to find the Headmaster inches from me slowly withdrawing his hand away from my face.

"How you feeling?" He asks me as if he is comforting a friend.

I frown at him trying to hide my confusion, my pain, the numbness and realisation as my memories are slowly breaking through the numbness in my brain.

"What do you think?" I say with irritation in my voice.

"I take that as a not great. Well don't worry I'm going to fix all those bad sinful emotions and feelings of yours soon enough. Do you remember much?"

I glare at him as everything is rushing back fast now, my thoughts, my anger boiling within me.

I try to move towards him but the metal chains digged into me, pain surging through my arms and legs. I gasp at the shock of it...these chains have spikes attacked to them.

Sick bastard....

"Ah you have to be careful Mr Sharp. I take extra precaution...I have to in this line of duty I have decided to do for this city. You can thank me later...I didn't think there be quite so much blood so quick...I think you have anger issues too just like Tyler but I'll soon fix those too."

"I have anger issues? I think you need to get your head checked. Whoever made you think this is right...must be sick in the head too."

He punches me brutally in the stomach, blood rising in my mouth and I start to cough blood coming out my mouth but he grabs my mouth holding it in the place.

"Not on the floor. This is sarcret place how dare you! And how dare you say anything against my father. He raised me good and proper."

I did my best to ensure I didn't throw up but I let the blood slip through my mouth onto his hand so I could just about talk even with his hand covering my mouth.

"No he didn't! Anyone that thinks being gay or Bi or whatever anyone classes themselves as is sin is wrong!"

He takes his hand away from my mouth looking at the blood on his hand in disgust.

"It seems you are going to be hard to break but I'm always up for a challenge, I'll fix you Arrow. I'm always willing to help."

What the hell is wrong with this man?

And better yet...where is Colin and Paul?

Where's my dad and the back up? How has this man managed to keep me here...where are my kids?

My brain feels less numb but the pain from being hit and the spikes piercing my skin is leaving me slightly disoriented.

"Where are my kids? Where is my husband?" I ask quickly the worry now consuming me completly, the pain almost becoming less important.

"Well I had to plan it well. I knew there be back up. I know that your dad and your half brother are police...I really did want to bring Colin along too but I can't help everyone at once and it would of been too much to handle, I might of not got away," he says lightly as if we are just having a friendly chit chat...I hate people like him, I really do.

"How you do it?"

"You ask a lot of questions and I have no reason to anwser them. All you need to know is soon the clencing will begin. I'll fix you very soon and don't worry I'll be fixing Luca too. It won't hurt much...maybe," he laughs evilly it ringing through my head.

"I will regret taking my kids. If you dare hurt them," I begin but he cuts me short as he forces me hard against the chair the chains with the spikes around the back of me dig into my back making me hiss in pain.

"I only need to fix you and Luca, Arrow. I left the rest of your brats behind. Consider it a gift. Besides I didn't hurt them much."

"You fucking bastard!" I spit at him.

"Calm down...I don't want you to die if it can be avoided and you are already losing alot of blood."

"Really? You sure about that?"

"I can't let you be running off can I. If you was me you would do the same."

"I wouldn't even do anything like this you sick," I begin again but he grabs my hair tightly.

"Just be quiet. You are giving me a headache."

"What the hell! You a headache? I feel like my heads been hit against hundred bricks!"

"To be expected. Well I'll let the pain disappear for you. Least till I'm ready," he says as he grabs a black box off the side and pulls out one of many needles with some sort of red liquid in them.

"What the hell is that? Stay away from me!" I shout at him.

"Sleep dear child...soon everything with me okay," he says as he grabs my arm. I try to struggle but I knew it be no good.

I felt the needle go in and my body feeling suddenly strange...darkness came quickly afterwards.

Some point in the past (Headmaster POV)

I felt the metal rod slam against my back, falling to the rocky ground.

My scream fills the air but no one could hear me being out here...

"How many times have I told you to stay away from that boy!" My dad rages at me.

I let the tears fall down my face. "I'm sorry father...I can't help it."

The metal rod came down again on my back I gasp this time as I felt my skin feel like it's been tared into.

"Control yourself! Do you think playing about with the boy is right?"

"I can't help how I feel," I say slowly finding it hard to even talk now.

The third time felt worse then the last two. "Fuck!" I scream this time.

"What did you just say!" He roars as the metal rode came the fourth time against my back.

I try to crawl away from him but he grips my shoulder and turns me over to face him.

"You know it is wrong. Say it is wrong!"

"I can't...I love him dad. He loves me," I whisper as I let the tears continue to fall down my face.

"Then you really give me no choice. You have sinned but I'll fix you."

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