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Arrow's POV

I grab onto the cliff edge clawing at it but I could already feel my fingers slipping from it, but I managed to remain calm and steady my hand long enough to keep it there.

My body freezing from the cold weather, the light snow falling on me from above.

I try to pull myself up the best I can but my fingers feel numb and barely doing as I ask.

Yet all I can think about is if Tyler and Colin are okay. Trust is hard thing to come by and yet Tyler had put faith in the wrong person but I hadn't seen it coming either.

I finally manage to pull myself back onto the top of the cliff.

That had been a close one.

"There!" I hear someone shout.

I got to go....right now!

I get to feet and run as fast as I can across the rough path back towards the trees and I don't stop or look back but I could feel the presence of someone behind me.

Go Arrow! Faster! Faster! I shout to myself as I keep going.

I slip on the icey path head first crashing into the rough looking bushes that had not many leafs on it.

I felt the branches scratch my face and arms on impact but I try not make anymore noise.

I breathe slowly listening to any movement nearby.

"Let me go you bitch!" I hear Tyler shout.

"Arrow! You going to come out?"

Honestly she felt so normal, so nice but now she seems like a completely different girl altogether.

"I don't have all fucking day! Get your useless ass out here now and face me!"

I struggle to my feet and walk out from the bushes and through the trees to find her standing in the clearing with Tyler struggling to break free from her.

If Tyler can't take her, she must be very strong.

"So Arrow I would just like to say this before we get into anything else. I like you to meet my brother," she smiles.

"Dad watch out!" Tyler screams.

I felt the knife slid into my side, the pain bursting from it the moment it pieces my skin.

I fall to my knees as the knife is taken back out my arms being rammed behind my back.

"Dad!" Tyler screams this time.

"Shut your mouth. Now we have settled you down Arrow let's get to business!"


So this is my prologue for this story. The first chapter will be set before this prologue just so no one gets confused.

Much love xx

Embrace Two (Spin of from Acceptance Trilogy And Second Story To Embrace) Where stories live. Discover now