Chapter Thirteen: Not lose

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Today would mark a new friendship. A friendship which would help Arrow move forward and defend and fight for what is right.

Arrow's heart had been through a lot. It all starting at a very young age. Arrow thought and stood his ground, he had been far from perfect, put through hell to come to know himself, what he loves and who he will protect. No one had made him change his mind, even though many things had happened since he crossed paths with Colin for the first time.

His relationship with Colin had grown  in strength and they haven't always been by each others side but Colin has and will continue to be Arrow's reason to stand, to fight, for love, fight for what is right.

Arrow held his side watching Robbie and Jo defend him and the girl Lilly. He couldn't grasp all the details right now but he knew this girl needed help. Luca too. That's all that is planted in his brain right now. He would worry about the rest after.

Arrow would never ever regret defending and fighting for young children like this. They deserve more then this. He would find a way to be there hero, a light in the darkness. Arrow had found himself in the darkness many times growing up. Everyone knows that by now. It's the reason why he does what he does now. It will not change.

Robbie and Jo clearly wanted to defend him right now, giving it all they could. George and Lee struggling to out match them. Lilly had found the strength to pull of her small jacket and rip it apart making a quick bandage to wrap around Arrow's side.

Arrow let her do it smiling at her. "Thank you. You are bright for your age," he tells her.

She smiles back, "I guess you have to be in this messed up world. I can see you have probably seen more evil then I have. Thank you...for helping me."

"Don't worry about it. We will find a way to get out of this," he tells her.

Arrow suddenly went stiff, as he watched Luca being dragged into the room by a tall looking women.

"Enough. I leave it to you idiots and you let it escolate way too far. If you want this kid to live you will stand down now!" She shouts over at Robbie and Jo.

Robbie and Jo didn't exactly listen to the women. There anger now leading the way.

More chaos came and Arrow found himself being pinned down against a wall with the girl, the women coming towards him.

Arrow didn't know what to do. Lilly and Luca very much in danger. How could he stop this?

The women chucked Luca into Lilly them both falling to the ground springing at him pushing him hard against the wall staring at him strangely.

"You seem to be the one I should speak to."

Arrow looks at Lilly and Luca before back to her. "What do you want?"

"I actually not interested in what these idiots want. I actually interested in something else. Maybe you can help me and the kids won't get hurt," she tells me.

"Don't listen to her," said Robbie as him and Jo are helping Luca and Lilly to their feet.

"You two are quite irritating at this point. I just need one thing," she says to me.


Yet Arrow never found out what she wanted. The explosion that filled the warehouse could almost be felt like a small earthquake.

Ricking havoc through out the entire building. It sent Arrow flying half way across the corridor him landing awkwardly. The smoke, the flames tiring through his skin and lungs.

He heard screaming, crying angry shouting. He couldn't pin point who or which way each one could be coming from.

He found the strength to open his eyes, coughing violently, the heat from the flames making him feel sick. His arms hurt, his sleeves burnt away and part of his skin. He hissed in pain.

He finally manages to sit up. "Lilly! Luca! Robbie! Jo!" He shouts.

Yet he had to push himself forward behind rubble as a second explosion goes off near by causing more havoc.

Could he really survive this?

He felt his heart pumping faster then it should. He tries to look through the mess, the smoke but he could feel his lungs struggling to cope.

He managed to get to his feet after calming down. He walks through the rubble for a short time before he found Luca and Lilly with Robbie and Jo.

They all looked as bad as he felt and probably was.

Why hadn't they answered him when he called?

"Arrow watch out!" Robbie shouts.

He felt the impact of the metal bar against his back sending him forward into the rubble before he could stop it.

He gasped for air as he is pulled around to face him, George.

"You think you could escape me so easily? I will get what I want!"

"You realise if we don't get out of here we will all die!" I shout at him.

"You are being dramatic," begins George.

The third explosion came and Arrow would of lost his life...if Robbie hadn't acted quickly. The realisation washed over Arrow as Robbie held him away from where he had just been.

Blood covered the floor where part of the ceiling had collapsed right on top of George and where he had been a moment before.

"No he wasn't being dramatic. Deserves you right. You okay?" He asks Arrow.

Arrow looks at Robbie. "Thank saved my life."

"Anytime. Someone like you doesn't deserve that kind of death. Now come you are right. We are all in danger here. Let's get us and these kids to safety," he says softly to Arrow.

Arrow looks at Robbie shock running through him but finds the strength to nod.

Luca, Lilly and Jo stood near them now but Luca was the first one to come over and wrap his arms around Arrow. "Your okay," he said crying.

"It's alright kid. I'll protect him while he protects you. Now come we all need medical attention Arrow more then the rest of us but we all need it all the same,' said Robbie picking up Lilly into his arms and letting Jo take his arm. "You got Luca?" He asks Arrow but Arrow didn't need to anwser him.

Arrow still held Luca close and kept him close as he managed to get to his feet.

Robbie smiled happy he managed to save this young man's life today. He is truely one of a kind, a friend he would like to have and not lose.

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