Chapter Fifty Four: Loves us just that much.

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Arrow's POV

My chest feels like its on fire, my body throbing. This hadn't been part of the plan...

"Having fun yet?" Lia asks me.

I glare over at her through the bars. "What do you think? You think this is fun or human?"

"It's fun to me. It's been a while since I watched a good fight but your not making it fun. You are getting your ass kicked or running away like a pussy!" She shouts at me.

"Fuck off!" I shout out as he comes at me for a fourth time.

A six foot man. Muscles huge, over powers me by alot.

I move quickly out his way him missing me by inches. How did I even stand a chance against someone like this?

The fact that this is entertainment for her makes me feel sick to my stomach.

The ground starts to shake. "What is this Lia?" The man stops asking her.

"I'm not sure. Firy can you go check what is going on?" Lia asks the man who is standing beside her.

He is short with short cut brown hair wearing a plain t-shirt and black trousers. He shrugs, "Well that's no fun," he whispers.

The floor shakes again but stronger this time. "What the hell is that?" Lia now asks getting annoyed.

The wall to the left side of the bars of the cell explodes parts of the brick smashing against the bars breaking through it heading straight towards the man and I inside.

I dive for cover the best I can but the impact of the explosion still reached me sending me backwards across the cell my body colliding the other side of the cell bars knocking the wind out of me.

I try move to see if I can still move but found Lia standing over me.

"You still alive?" She asks casually.

"Yeah...why would you," I begin but I notice the blood shattered across the floor and my eyes follow it to find the six foot guy crushed under alot of the rubble from the explosion.

I throw up onto the floor at the sight of did that not happen to me?

"Your lucky then it seems," she says offering out her hand to help me up.

I take her hand and with her help get to my feet. My body is throbbing even more now, my heart racing inside my chest.

I made it out alive from that but I know I'm not okay. My ribs feel awfully painful. I can feel my face and arms stinging.

"You able to walk?"

"I think so," I tell her.

"Good we got to move. Whatever is happening I don't like it and he had been my best fighter. I'm disappointed."

"No point worrying about that. I think we have bigger problems," Firy says as he comes towards us.

"Apart from the wall and the cell?"

"So your back again are you Lia?" Mia's voice rips through the room as she is standing by the door with Mi.

"You two. I should of known you would of been behind this," Lia grits her teeth.

"Explosion wasn't us. That was Hitachi's attempt to stop us. Didn't do much good apart from kill one of your own guys," says Mia.

"You made it then?" Mi says looking at me.

I look at her, "Just about."

"You have a soft spot for him do you?" Lia asks.

"We came to teach you a lesson well Hitachi but we can do that for you too since you are here. Why you involve this kid anyway? You have no morals," says Mia.

I'm so use to people calling me kid...I think I have given up caring....

"It comes with the job and you know me. I do like a bit of fun. You two teach me a lesson? I doubt that!"

"You ready sweetie?" Mi asks me.

I'm not as ready as I hoped I would be. I'm not in great shape but we have to stop them and save my family. Its the only way...

I move quick as I can heading towards Mia and Mi as they raise there pistols to protect me.

Lia and Firy didn't dare chase after me with the guns in play.

I reach them and Mi makes me stand behind her.

"We are sorry you got hurt," says Mi.

"It's okay. I didn't expect it to be easy," I say to her.

"You two get going. I'll teach Lia a lesson personally," Mia says.

"Be careful sister," Mi says before she indicates me to leave first.

Colin's POV

The explosion woke me up. All four of my kids now awake too. Them all looking at me scared too death.

What was that? What is happening right now?

Suddenly I hear the door being opened to reveal Leon and...Paul. Its Paul!

"Hey...not the holiday you had hoped again huh?" Paul says as he comes over to us.

"It's great to see you," I say to him.

"You too. You all okay? Not hurt?" Paul asks.

"Tyler and Fay will need to be looked at. The rest of us are absolutely fine. How did you know we was here?" I ask.


"Is he okay?" I ask.

"I'm not sure. That explosion was Hitachi trying to stop Mia and Mi. That hadn't been part of the plan," Paul says.

"Or for Lia to show up and take Arrow somewhere but don't worry we will find him," Leon says.

"The plan?" I ask confused.

"Long story short Mia and Mi are drug dealers but they hate Hitachi so they asked Arrow if he could help them teach him a lesson," Paul explains.

"You were all he danger. He didn't feel like he had much of a choice," Leon adds on.

"Arrow...we have to find him."

"Dad...," says Fay looking upset.

"Don't worry Fay we will get him back and don't ever blame yourself. It's not your fault," Paul says to her.

"Then why does it feel like it is?" She asks.

"Arrow be upset if you blame yourself. He knows it's not your fault and he do anything protect any of you or me. He loves us just that much," I smile.

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