Chapter Two: Check you over.

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Everyone has there own story. Some don't have much to tell, others are proud to talk about themselves and there achievements.

Yet Arrow didn't quite know how to explain his current situation.

He has let Jane down and her mother but he didn't stand a chance against three six foot guys. He had grown in strength as a person but his body has been through so much, it doesn't quite work as well as he needed it too now.

He sat on the bed and could feel his body already aching, tireness gripping him. Hunger hitting him after eight hours of not eating. He couldn't help but worry about his diabetes too.

He wanted to scream but knew it be a pointless effort.

He heard the door being opened. He rushed to his feet but only to have Jane chucked into him them both falling back onto the bed.

The six foot guy he had met at the door closed the door behind him standing there looking at him weirdly.

Arrow checked to see if Jane was okay. She looked like they had hurt her on the arm and looked trumatized.

"Jane," he whispered.

She looked at him sadly, "Why is this happening?"

"I'm sorry Jane. Sorry I couldn't stop them...sorry that this is happening."

The six foot guy stepped towards them. He makes Jane stay on the bed as he got to his feet meeting him half way.

"What do you want with Jane and her mum?"

"You see I met Harriet a week ago. Me and my two brothers needed a place to stay. She is so destroyed from men she has been with she was an easy target. The kid just got in the way. Then typically you show up at the door and just wouldn't shut up."

"So you think it's right to do that? Harriet and Jane have been through alot how dare you do this to them. Do you have no heart at all?"

"I don't know if you realise or not by now but we don't quite care about many people apart from each other. We thought while we are here we could have some fun with Harriet but that brat got in our way. You are lucky we didn't do any worse to her."

"I know people like you. You never care but I also know every person I've gone up against ends up dead or in prison. So what is your move?" Arrow asks.

"I have one question. How did you get that scar on your face?"

"I'm not going to talk about that. I'm waiting for an anwser."

He clenched his fists. "You are irritating you know that. I have one plan and it involves you dead," he sneers at Arrow

"Give it your best shot!"

"Stop playing around Jeff honestly like you could even kill the kid give it a rest," said one of the other six foot guys who just came into the room.

"You think I can't do it!" He bellowed at his brother.

"No I don't think you can. It's best we pack up and get the hell out of here."

"Run away! Hell no!"

"This kids dad is police officer. I saw his messages. We got to go now!"

Yet the man no longer decided to listen to his brother. He chucked his full weight at Arrow his anger issues he suffered with coming to the surface.

Arrow struggled against the man but the weight had already made his body strain, struggling to even take normal breathes.

Arrow did his best to keep his anger undercheck finally managing to shift himself long enough to break away from underneath him.

He struggled to his feet backing away. "Just go! Or less you want to be arrested!"

"I won't run away or lose to someone like you. Think your all that because your social worker!"

"I agree I rather we take him down too!" Said the third six foot guy.

"You two are idiots. Why you getting so involved with this kid. Let's just get the fuck out while we can!"

Arrow couldn't quite explain how he felt right now but he definitely has had enough of being called a kid. He is nearly twenty two years old.

"I'm no kid and I've faced way worse then you lot. It's best you listen to your brother and go while you can."

All three of them laughed. "You might think your a man and all great because your a social worker but you are no man your skinny, got nothing to support that statement. You are useless! You couldn't even protect them. Some social worker you are!"

Arrow looked at them feeling slightly defeated by that statement but he could soon hear Colin shouting at him to not listen. Colin telling him he is amazing, brave and not to let idiots like this make him feel any less inside his head.

"Maybe I'm not as tall as you or strong but I always fight for the right thing. I've not failed. Because whatever happens here you three will either be arrested or you will run. You stop this all right now."

"Such big words for a boy!"

Arrow wanted to teach all three of them a lesson...yet it suddenly dawned on him he wouldn't be able too.

"Arrow you are weak. You are my property...that won't change," Arrow hears Mark's voice in his mind.

Not now...why now?

Hahaha haha! Mark's voice rings in his brain.

The first punch came hard without any warning Arrow ending up on the floor unable to progress what happened next until his chest started to hurt.

Each kick that contacted him made him feel numb, cold. Lost.

Yet the numbness disappeared as his dad and Paul was fighting there way towards him.

"Get Jane to safety," Arrow heard himself say, yet it sounded barely noticeable to him and couldn't quite be sure he had said it at all.

Paul came down beside him quick and fast. Arrow felt kind of sad he hadn't spoke much to Paul about his change of plan and career. Paul is now a full time training police officer and finishing his university part time. It would take longer for him to complete but he had this idea that he was needed by Arrow's dad side once he returned to work.

Arrow's dad must of brought Paul and other police officers due to the fact that he wasn't meant to return to work till next week.

"You alright Arrow?" He asks.

Arrow looks at him and sighs, "No...I'm not. I can still hear him."

Paul takes his hand holding it tight. "It be okay. Come on can you stand?"

With Paul's help Arrow got to his feet. He hurt but this was nothing. This was almost a walk in the park compared to everything else.

Jane had already been taken away and so had the three men.

Arrow felt relieved. "Bet your hungry," said Paul as they left the room.

"A bit you think I'm crazy?"

"Crazy? Hell no. Brave, stupid, kind, slightly mad from how the world has treated you? I think your as normal as you can get after all you been through. Let's get you to the hospital to check you over."

Embrace Two (Spin of from Acceptance Trilogy And Second Story To Embrace) Where stories live. Discover now