Chapter Twenty: Greet them

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The day had finally came. Arrow's twenty second birthday.

Excitement filled the air in many households this morning.

All wanting to celebrate a life. Arrow's life and how each one of them cared and loved him. Arrow had been put through the wars over the years but he had plenty of people who cared deeply for him now and who had come to save him from the evil too.

Everyone knew his kind nature and care had made him go through alot and made alot of enemies along the way.

Yet he wouldn't ever change and they would never ask him too. A young man with a bright future and a family of his own now.

Today they would celebrate his life to the fullest.

Nothing will ruin this for him this time. A night away from work and troubles of the world. A night to remember.

Arrow's POV

I've been instructed to dress up tonight. I had a long shower and found my best suit to wear, Colin even had it ironed for me.

I am officially twenty two today. It felt like only yesterday I had been fifteen and set my eyes on Colin for the first time and the fight between what was right, my sexuality and my sister being with Colin.

Alot has happened since then. It's been seven years since then. Seven years since Colin had entered my life.

I had found myself, my sexuality and feel accepted for what I am. I've lived everyday since trying to be a better person.

Somedays had been tough and I've felt valuable many times at the situation I found myself. None of it had been easy but we found two young boys now in our lives. Tyler and Luca. Our two sons. My own little family and I would never ever put them at risk on purpose.

I love them and I will protect them with my life. I have many other people who I love and care about.

So through all the darkness I had found some pretty good people along the way.

I will forever be grateful for that.

I look at myself in the long mirror in my bedroom to find myself staring back.

My dark black hair as messy as ever. My green eyes glimming and the two scars that always reminded me of the past across my face.

Colin and I haven't found the house we wanted yet but hopefully soon.

I turn from the mirror to find Colin standing at the door. "You alright?"

"I'm good."

"You look very handsome," he informs me.

I smile at him. Colin is wearing a suit similar to mine. "You do too," I say to him as I go over to him and give him a kiss.

"You ready then?"

"I'm good to go."

We took a cab which Colin booked and kept a secret to where we were going.

I knew they had been up to something but I'm not exactly sure what they have planned.

I guess I will find out soon enough.

It felt like a long journey but we finally came to stop outside a huge venue which felt a bit in the middle of nowhere.

Colin and boys got out first opening the door for me. "Thank you."

The first thing I spotted was the huge sign hanging from above from the entrance.

Happy Twenty Second Birthday Arrow.

"We want you to have a good night. You really deserve it," Colin says to me.

"You didn't have to," I begin.

"None of that. We wanted too bro," said Paul who just walked outside from the entrance in suit too and grinning with Harry beside him in the same looking suit.

"Venue is incredible," Harry says as he comes up to me and gives me a hug.

"Looks awesome," says Tyler and Luca at the same time.

"Nothing less for our brave son," says my mother and father who walk out the entrance. "Your sister is inside with the twins. You will have alot of people to greet and catch up with but come. You should see inside," my dad says looking rather happy.

I let myself be led inside, the music loud. The lights red, blue and white. The energy felt incredible inside from everyone.

As I got further in the music shut off replaced with the happy birthday tune.

"Happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you happy birthday to you, happy birthday Arrow happy birthday to you!" Everyone finished.

I felt the tears falling down my face. The dance floor is huge. A buffet is set up with loads of food the bar very busy already. Booths for people to sit on and table at the back full of loads and loads of presents.

This is for me? They done all this for me?

"Why you crying," said Colin putting his arm around me.

"I can't believe it...this is for me?"

"Of course stupid. Who else would it be for? Is it too much? Or something else?"

"No...its perfect. I'm just in shock. Thank you...honestly," I say slowly.

"Right let's get the birthday boy a drink!" Paul shouts which prompted four people to leave there seats and head to the bar as music started back up.

Colin, Paul, my parents and my boys took me to a table pretty dressed up with birthday banners and my age covered the table in confetti.

Adam, Robbie, Caz and Lilly came a short while after putting a drink down each in front of me.

"Happy birthday Arrow," they cheer smiling at me.

"Thank you guys. You didn't have to," I smile back.

My drinks consisted of two beers, one cocktail that looks like a sex on the beach and two shots.

"You want me to be pissed?" I ask.

"Of course. That's what generally happens," laughs Adam.

I hadn't seen Adam recently but he looked pretty happy and content which I'm glad about.

I decided to start of with the beer and took a good swig enjoying the taste.

Caz squeezed next to me with her own drink in her hand. "I've missed you."

"I've missed you too. I'm sorry I don't ring much," I begin.

"No...don't be. Let's be positive. Its your birthday," she tells me.

"Dad can Luca and I go get some food?" Tyler asks.

"Of course. Do you want me to come with you?" Colin and I ask at the same time and we both smile at each other.

"No you two have a drink. I'll take them," says Lilly leading our boys towards the buffet table.

"Did you want one of mine?" I ask Colin as he hadn't got a drink yet.

"No i'll go get myself one and something for the boys. It's your night. Enjoy it for once Arrow you deserve that," he says winking at me as he leaves the table.

"You have a lot to open later," Adam says first.

"You will love mine," Robbie smiles as Jo joins us at the table next to Robbie.

"There is...really you done so much all of you."

"You have been in or helped everyone here tonight in someway Arrow. It's a thank you and how much we love you," says Paul.

"Thank you. It really does mean a lot to me. It take me a year to open them all," I laugh.

"Well lucky we have all night then," my dad laughs.

And that I did. The venue is booked till four in the morning.

I spot Allac with his girlfriend and rush to my feet to go greet them.

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