CHP 21

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Bon was staying with neha and sahil. She didn't wanted to go in her mama mami's house after knowing about their truth.

But she was tensed about one thing and that was som's marriage. Because of all the drama his marriage got cancelled.

She can't let her dada suffer just because of ani's stupid fault. That's why she decided to visit Mukerji house.

That night only at 3am, bon went to Mukerji house and knocked their door. When Mrs Mukerji opened the door, she was shock to see bondita there that too at this time.

"What are you doing here?" Mrs Mukerji asked shockingly

"I am here for my som dada" bon said while Mr Mukerji and megha too came

"We already told you all that we are cancelling the marriage then why are you here?" Mr Mukerji asked

"I know that you cancelling the marriage because of anirudh but uncle believe me som dada...he is not like him" bon tried to explain

"They both share the same blood" Mrs Mukerji said

"Yes they do but like all the fingers of hand aren't same just like that it's not necessary that just because som dada and anirudh have same blood they have to be same.

Moreover megha and som dada loved each other for so many years. In all this year he never cheated on her then why he will cheat on her after marriage?" bon explained

"Although your argument are correct but we still won't change our decision. It will be better if you go away from here" Mr Mukerji said

"No I will not go until you change your decision" bon said stubbornly

"Fine then stay here" Mrs Mukerji said before closing the door thinking that bon will go back

But they were unknown that bondita is more stubborn then them. She will not leave until they changes their decision.

Bon being stubborn waited outside the house in the cold and chilled weather. She can do anything for her family, she can even wait outside all night long for her dada.

The weather was getting cloudy and winds started blowing. Seems like the weather too didn't wanted to go easy on her.

Soon it started raining and guess what bondita being bondita stayed there like a statue. She was completely drenched in rain.

Her whole body was shivering due coldness but she was least bothered. The rain got more heavier and her condition was getting more worsen.

Next morning,

Megha was opening the window when she saw bondita laying on ground all drenched in rain and shivering.

She immediately went outside the house and called her parents. They were shocked to see her there.

They took her inside the house and called the doctor. The doctor examined her and informed them that she was having severe fever.

They were feeling guilty for her condition and took care of her until she got her conscious back.

When bondita finally opened her eyes, she found herself in a unknown place. She tried to recall about last night and everything flashed back to her.



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Till then bye bye

ANIDITA : Adhuri Kahani Hogi Puri ( Completed ✅ )Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu