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Ani was sitting in chair while the whole RC family was standing around him.

"If you all are done with your staring session can you all please tell me why you all made me sit here like a criminal" Ani said irritatingly

"Anirudh we want to discuss something important with you "binoy said before adjusting his specs

"Yes "Ani said before folding his hand on his chest

"It's about your marriage" ksj said making his eyes go wide in shock

"What "Ani said shockingly getting up from the chair

"Sit down dada "som said before making him sit back in chair

"If we tell you the name of the girl you will immediately agree to marry her " ksj said smiling

"And who the girl really is" ani said rolling his eyes

"BONDITA.... "everyone said together

Ani looks at them with neutral face, he didn't knew how to react although his heart was dancing in happiness but his brain was reminding him again and again about baking soda.

Everyone looks at him confusingly

"Look anirudh bondita is a very good girl and you know her from childhood" Binoy said before adjusting his specs

"Exactly no one can be perfect for you except bondita" shubhra said

"Bondita knows about this " Ani asked coldly

"Yes " ksj said

"What did she say " Ani asked hoping she denied

"She is ready to marry you" shubhra informs making him shock again

"Now you too say yes to the marriage" binoy said before adjusting his specs

"I can't marry bondita" Ani denies straightforwardly

"But why " shubhra asked sadly

"Because I...."Ani was about to say about his and baking soda's relationship

He recalls that baking soda told him once not to tell about their relationship to anyone until she tells him to

"What why do you don't want to marry her" ksj asked angrily

"I just don't want to" Ani lied looking down

"Anirudh we don't know anything you are going to get married with bondita and that's final" ksj said sternly

"Kaka you can't force me " Ani said irritatingly

"What's wrong with Bondita haan why can't you marry her" shubhra asked angrily

"Ma there is no problem with her infact I am not capable enough for her " Ani said softly

Bondita is very good and nice girl she deserves someone better than him moreover he loves baking soda

"It's not like that anirudh you both are perfect for each other" shubhra explained

"Exactly you have to marry her" binoy said sternly before adjusting his specs

"But ..." Ani tried to protest

"No but anirudh you have to marry her otherwise....otherwise I will you have to see my death face" shubhra said emotionally blackmailing him

"Ma please don't say like this you know how much I love you" Ani said with teary eyes

"Then say yes to the marriage" shubhra said sternly

"Fine I am ready to marry bondita" Ani said before taking a deep breath

Everyone jumps in happiness , binoy went to inform bon's mama mami about it while Ani went inside the study room with gloomy face.

He locks himself inside the study room. He holds his head in frustration.

"What have you done anirudh"

A voice came while Ani looks towards the voice



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Till then bye bye

ANIDITA : Adhuri Kahani Hogi Puri ( Completed ✅ )Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu