Chapter 10: The drift

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It's the next day and I'm awoken by some loud knocking on my door.

ARIEL= "Prospero, PROSPERO" I say to try and wake him up to which Prospero only grunts.

"Someone's at the door"

PROSPERO= "Shit" he shouts and goes to put his clothes on

ARIEL= "Just a moment!"

As Prospero goes to hide, I gesture myself towards the door.

To my complete surprise Ferdinand is at the door.

FERDINAND= "O Ariel, sorry to be a bother, I- was just wondering if you've seen  Miranda ?"

ARIEL= "No I haven't, I'm sorry"

Suddenly, a  big crash is heard in the background.

FERDINAND= "Great scott what was that?"

ARIEL= "O-um that was-um-nothing" I say.

But Ferdinand does not listen to me and pushes me out of the way.

FERDINAND= "Oh, sir, what are you doing here? Are you okay?"

PROSPERO= "Um nothing, just discussing job plans with Ariel here"

FERDINAND= "Right, well I was just wondering if anyone had seems Miranda"


FERDINAND= "Well I best be going & leave you two to it, toodle pip"

Once he's gone out of the room, Prospero looks towards me and starts to speak

PROSPERO= "Now, where were we?" He says, and starts kissing me passionately.

Thus we go at it for awhile


It's a little while later and Prospero and I have gotten up to grab some brunch. Thus, we head downstairs, being careful not to male any noise nor be seen. Once we see the coast is clear, Prospero kisses me on my forehead and walks away. I can't help but blush, he's so... sweet.

After Prospero has entered the kitchen, I, myself walk in after him, to make sure it doesn't look suspicious. However, everything seems a bit... tense.

PROSPERO= "Ah quaint Ariel! How art thine on this pleasant day ?" he asks

ARIEL= "Oh-um, I'm good thank you! Any jobs you need me to do?"

PROSPERO= "Just a few, although I have a very special job I'd like you to fulfil later" he says, sending me a wink.

I just know he's up to no good...

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