Chapter 9: Some secrets are best kept hidden

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After my little encounter with Prospero I decide to go back to my room as I need the space to think. On the way there, I bump into Miranda, what a surprise. I mustn't say a word about what happened last night.

MIRANDA= " O Ariel!! Where did you go off to last night??"


ARIEL= "I um.....went to bed early, I was quite tired"

MIRANDA= "O I see, my dad snuck off too last night... you didn't happen to see him did you? I haven't seen him since I said goodnight to him last night"

ARIEL= "No, no no I haven't seen him, I know nothing about that!"

MIRANDA= "Well ok then, see you Ariel"

ARIEL= "Bye babes"

Fuck, that was close. I really must be on my best guard, I can't let anything slip up.


Last night, I was surprised with a lovely wedding shower. It was absolutely wonderful. There was lots of dancing, food and laughter. It really was the best night ever.



MIRANDA= "O my heavens!! O my heavens!!" I shout, I can't believe my eyes!!

FERDINAND= "Goodness, it's wonderful!!"

MIRANDA= "Father, thank you!!" I say, hugging him.

PROSPERO= "Well I may have thought of it, but really Ariel is the one you should be thanking!!"

And so we danced and enjoyed the live music, there was even a beautiful sculpture of Ferdinand & I made, it was beautiful.

After a while, I remember that I had to run off quickly. I try sneaking out, making sure no one sees me.

FERDINAND= "Miranda!!"

Shoot, it's Ferdinand.

"Where are you going love?"

MIRANDA= "I I'm- am going to... see Mary quickly, I need to go grab the wedding cake details before the wedding dear!"

FERDINAND= " oh... well come back soon yeah? Don't want to miss the dance !"

MIRANDA= "yeah yeah sure"

Poor thing, I almost feel bad for what I'm doing, he's too naïve.


It's almost night time and I'm about to head to bed when I hear a knock at the door... strange, who could be here at this time?!

I go to open the door and Propero barges in, he smells off alcohol.

PROSPERO= "Ariel! Quaint Ariel! My love, my angel, my dear!"

He's definitely drunk.

ARIEL= "Sir I-"

PROSPERO= "I thought I told you not to call me that" he says, smiling.

ARIEL= "What do you want?" I ask, curiously.

He suddenly grabs my cheek & kisses me, fondly.

Things start to get heated and thus he leads me to my bedroom.

This feels so wrong yet... right. It's exciting, it's dangerous, passionate, it's our own little secret.

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