New job

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Desperate. That was the only thing Lucía could feel recently. Ever since her mamá lost her job, she's been doing odd jobs just to keep food on the table. Her mamá told her not to worry, but she couldn't help it. All she and her sister had was their mom. It hurt to see her this stressed.

Though Lucía knew her mamá didn't want her to, she had found a job. She was definitely worried at first, but Lucía promised she would be fine.

Now, she and her sister, Luz, are on the way to her the Blight Manor, and Lucía wanted to bang her head on the steering wheel.

"Luz, for fucks sake! This is the third song by cave town." The older sibling complained.

"Blah blah blah" Luz replied to her sister's dramatic reaction.

"I'm taking over the music after this one," Lucía warned.

"But you said I could take control of the music the whole ride!" Luz whined.

Lucía made a sharp turn, causing Luz to slam into the passenger's window. A short shriek was heard from the Latina, clearly taken by surprise from the sudden turn. Lucía couldn't help but laugh, her driving wasn't that bad, right?

"How did you even get your driver's license!?" her sister complained, now annoyed.

"Beats me," Lucía replied nonchalantly.

Luz rolled her eyes, her sister sure was.....something. She just silently hoped they were close, for their sake.

"Are we there yet?" Luz complained.

"Just about," Lucia replied, making another turn, this time, not as sharp.

The car came to a slow stop as it reached the magnificent house. It was huge, as expected for one of the richest families in the town. Lucía looked over to her sister who looked completely amazed. Luz stepped out of the car a let out a little squeal of excitement.

Lucía got out of the car and locked it. Beside the Garage, she saw the gate she was supposed to use to get to the backyard.

"Follow me," Lucía said while motioning to the gate.

When the two girls got to the gate Lucía unlocked it, revealing a big backyard, the greenest grass ever, and of course, a pool, along with a pool house. Okay, now at this point even Lucia was impressed. She hadn't seen anything like this before. She shook her head, remembering to focus. She tied her jacket around her waist and brushed her hair with her hand; she was ready.

"Here, you can go hang out in the pool house," Lucía said, tossing her sister the key.

Lucía started off by cleaning the pool, which looked like it hadn't been in weeks. After that she would water the flowers and plants, and also plant some new ones; seemed easy enough.

Every once in a while she glanced over to her little sister. She was always reading that silly book she liked; Azura. She smiled as she saw how invested Luz looked.

After about 2 and a half hours she was finally done. She wiped the dust off her hands, feeling exhausted. She entered the pool house, it was dead silent.

"Hermanitaaa!" Lucía exclaimed, seeing if she could get a response.

She decided to walk into the couch area and was greeted by Luz laying there, fast asleep. She smiled at her dorky sister. She tossed Luz over her shoulder and locked the pool house on her way out.

She put Luz in her passenger's seat and placed her jacket over her sister. Lucía was very happy with her pay; this could definitely help mamá out! She turned on the car and began to blast some music, knowing that her sister was a heavy sleeper.

It was now 10pm, Lucía was trying to focus on this paper she had to write.

"Lucía!!" she heard her sister's voice shout.

"¿Qué lo qué?" Lucía responded, continuing to type on her computer. Luz entered the room, making the focused girl lookup.

"Have you seen my book?" She asked, seemingly worried.

"Mierda" Lucía mumbled.

"I left it at the house, I'm sorry chiquita," she said with sympathy, knowing how much that book meant to her.

Luz look shattered. Lucía hadn't seen her this bummed out in a while.

"I was about to find out if Azura find the misty castle or not!" She whined, burying her face into her hands, muffling her voice.

Lucía sighed, "I'll go back and get it, okay?" she said, not baring to see her little sister so bummed out.

"Really?" Luz said, her expression instantly lighting up.

"Yes, okay now stop having a pity party." She ordered.

She groaned as she turned on the car. It took a whole 30 minutes to get to this house and now she had to go there, get that stupid book, and come back.

Lucía took a deep breath.

For Luz.

She blasted music on the whole way there, not caring if it burst her own eardrums.

Finally, she was here. "I'll be in and out," Lucía told herself.

She opened the gate and navigated her way through the familiar backyard. She dug in her pockets until she found the single key. She opened the doors to the pool house and turned on the lights.

"Now where did she put it....?" she mumbled.

She checked the couch area first.


What the hell? Where else could it be?

She looked in the table area, and to her relief she saw the book sitting on the glass table, safe."Now I just gotta grab this and get out of her-" Lucía was cut off by the sound of a scream.Who was that? The confused girl stuffed the book in her pocket and ran outside to see what all the commotion was.

There her eyes laid on a girl, in the pool with her hair covering her face, causing her to brush it out of her face.

"Who hell are you?" Lucía said, confused.

"I'm the daughter of the owner's house, who are you?" She said with an impudent tone, crossing her arms.

"I work here and no you're not. The owner doesn't have any kids." Noceda said, furrowing her eyebrows.

"Get out of the pool," Lucía demanded.

"Make me," the girl replied.

Lucia reached over the edge and began to pull the girl out, which was surprisingly easy. The soaked girl squirmed as she tried to get out of Lucía's grasp. Lucía then dropped her on the floor.

"Ugh! You idiot!" She exclaimed, clearly pissed at this point.

"I will have you fired." She said.

"I doubt that," Lucía said, rolling her eyes.

The girl grabbed her phone from the table next to them. She then shoved a picture of her and her dad into Lucía's face, giving inevitable proof.

"Mierda.." she groaned.

"Fine, I'm sorry-" Lucía said, backing off, realizing she had just made a big mistake.

"No need to be sorry when you'll be fired!" The girl said, putting her hands on her hips.

"Please don't get me fired, it was a mistake!" Lucía pleaded.

The girl was obviously not having it, as she started to put on her shoes.

"I'll do anything please," Lucía begged, causing the girl to look up and come closer.

"Anything?" She said, smirking.

What the hell!? This girl was insane! Lucía felt her face grow hot.

The flustered girl couldn't speak, so she gave a quick nod.

"Well, I could use some help for a few...." The girl paused.

"Errands," She finished.

"Fine, just don't get me fired," Lucía said, irritated.

"Great hand me your phone." She replied, holding her hand out.

Lucía reluctantly unlocked her phone and gave it to the girl, still dripping head to toe.

After a short silence, the girl handed it back.

"Bye, I guess?" Lucía said, preparing to leave.

"Later loser," Amelia said, walking off, with her head on her phone.

And that's how Lucía Noceda met Amelia Blight. Most likely gay panicking half the time, because girls. She didn't really think much of the number, or these so-called 'errands'. I mean this girl clearly was a bit sassy, but it's not like she'd make her do anything that crazy, right?

A/N: Hey guys! Hope you liked this chapterrr. Let me know what you're thinking! Also I'm planning to do updates everyday or every other day since the chapters aren't that long but yea thanks for reading!! :)

All because of that stupid book (TOH/Lumity Human AU)Where stories live. Discover now