Through the shelf

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"Lucía!" Luz shouted through the house, following with footsteps.

It was Sunday, the perfect day for Lucía to rest. Or so she thought.

"Hm?" the tired girl mumbled in response.

"Take me to the library pleaseeee?" her sister pleaded, dragging her 'please'.

"Hoy no, hermanita" Lucía mumbled, barely loud enough for anyone to hear.

"¿¿Pero por quéeee??" her sister complains at the rejection.

"It's early, and I'm tired," she explained.

"Early?" Luz questioned.

"It's noon!" She told Lucía, following with a laugh.

"Damn it," Lucía said, knowing she eventually was going to have to get up.

The mornings were typically like this, Lucía usually wanted to sleep in. That's what Sundays are for! Despite Lucía's habits, her sister seemed to have other plans than sleeping in.

"Soo? Will you take me?" she asked sweetly.

"Yes alright, let me get ready..." Her sister uttered finally giving in.

Lucía stood up for the first time today, causing the urge for a good stretch. After stretching, she tumbled over piles of junk from her unorganized room to her closet.

"Hmm..." She mumbled.

She threw on a baggy 'smashing pumpkins' shirt. Along with some baggy brown cargo pants. She reached over to her desk and put on the orange beanie she always wore. Looking in the mirror, she looked like a corpse.

"How do I fix this?" she muttered.

Lucía's hands glided through her short hair, controlling the fizz. Much better. Now she was just about ready for the day. She grabbed her keys and stuffed them in her pocket. Along with a 20.

"Vamos!" Lucía shouted up the stairs.

A very excited Luz came down. She was practically jumping up and down from excitement.

"You seem ready, chiquita." Lucía stated, opening the door for her sister to go first.

"¡sí Sí!" She exclaimed.

"Nerd," Lucía chuckled while locking the door.

As she started the car, her stomach started to rumble. She shook her head.

"Not right now," She whispered to her stomach as if it could talk back.

On the road to the library, the car approached the fast food places.

"Lucía! Lucía! McDonalds!" Her sister shouted alerting Lucía.

"Alright, alright!" Lucía responded, following with a rushed turn causing Luz to smash into the window once more.

After their sudden trip to McDonald's, Luz couldn't help but thank her sister.

"Ay, thank you! I was starving." Luz said, stuffing chicken 'nuggies' in her mouth.

"No problem," her sister responded, slurping on her tea.

Finally, after another 5 minutes, the two were met by the entrance of the library. Lucía could hear a little squeal of excitement coming from her sister. In response, she smiled. It was adorable to see her all excited.

As they walked in, the familiar smell of wood hit Lucía's senses. Without another word, her sister rushed off in a random direction. She wondered what she was so excited to do? She sighed, might as well check out some books.

All because of that stupid book (TOH/Lumity Human AU)Where stories live. Discover now