Midnight "errand"

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It was 12am and Lucía Noceda was sleeping soundly in her bed.That was until her ringtone burst into the air, causing Lucía to shoot up from her sleep.

Who in their right mind could be calling her at 12am!?

She rolled to her other side the check the contact, squinting her eyes.

The contact said "Amelia >:P"

"ah fuck.." Lucía mumbled before pressing the green button.

"What the fuck do you want?" Lucía said, her voice raspy.

"Well, good morning to you too." The familiar voice on the other line spoke sarcastically.

"I don't have time for your jokes, what do you need me for?" Lucía said, becoming pissed.

"Alright jeez! Can you come to pick me up?" Amelia responded to Lucía's not-so-good mood.

"I'll be there in 30," Lucía uttered before hanging up the line.

Lucía stumbled out of bed, turning on the light to her room. Her eyes squinted, even more, this time, causing her to rub them. Then she walked over to the green jacket she always wore and tossed it on, along with some random jeans she found on the floor.

She stumbled over to her nightstand to grab her keys and phone. What was so serious that she had to leave her house at 12am? This better be good.

As she was about to leave her room, she heard her mamá in the kitchen.

She'll just go out the window, her mom definitely wouldn't let her leave the house this late. It was just luck that her room was on the first floor.

As she climbed out her window, a stick from the bushes scraped her arm. She bit her lip, hard, trying to avoid the cusses that would typically follow.

After the trouble of getting out of the house, she was finally able to get into her car. A wave of relief washed over her as she started the car.

Luckily, since it was night, the roads were much emptier, which meant she could get to the house faster.

"Otw" Lucía texted before tossing her phone to the side and driving out of the driveway.The drive was peaceful, although Lucía was trying to fight her tiredness. She just reminded herself that her job was at stake, that was enough to keep her awake.

When she arrived, she saw a single light on. She guessed that was the girl's light and decided to text her.

"Outside" Lucía sent.

Before long, she spotted 2 silhouettes approaching her car.

Yep, she's definitely a drug dealer.

"I am gonna die" Lucía mumbled.

To her relief, it was just the girl from yesterday, but she was now wearing a pink dress. And another girl who looked to have been crying; with fresh puffy eyes.

"Care to fill me in?" the tired girl asked.

"We found out her boyfriend cheated, so we're gonna pay him a visit," Amelia said.

"I don't like the sound of this "visi-" Lucía said before being cut off.

"Just drive to this address," the green-haired girl said, putting the address in the GPS.

"Ay Dios Mio" Lucía mumbled under her breath before taking her car out of parking mode.

The house was a good 10 minutes away; enough time for the two girls to talk more about their plan. Apparently, the second girl's name was Stacey, and Amelia's smart-ass decided to help her get revenge by egging her ex's house, along with toilet paper.

Finally, they approached the house.

"Turn your lights off," Amelia instructed.

She did as she was told, not wanting to get caught. At this point it was 1am, Lucía was fighting to stay awake.

She stopped the car and the two girls got out, along with a bag.

The hum of the car motor was the only thing Lucía could hear. She was paranoid, to say the least. Police would pull up any minute and she would be caught.

She watched as the girls threw eggs at the windows, causing a big mess. They then rolled out all their toilet paper onto the grass and presumably his car. This went on for a good 10 minutes, Lucía becoming more and more paranoid each second.

Suddenly, Lucía hears the front door of the house opening, followed by the girls rushing to the car. Lucía knew what this meant. She took the car out of the park and got ready to speed from the scene.

The car doors shut following by curses.

"Fuck fuck fuck go!" Amelia shouted.

With that Lucía was off, she stepped on the gas, escaping the neighborhood as fast as possible. After she was sure they were far enough she slowed down, and the two girls started to laugh."Holy fuck did you see his face?" the girl in the back said between laughs.

Lucía was the only one who wasn't laughing. Did they seriously wake her up to be some petty getaway driver?

Lucía pulled over.

"Why'd you stop?" the girl in the passenger seat replied.

"Gas. You got any money?" she asked, pulling into the station.

"You didn't bring money?" Amelia said, rolling her eyes.

"No, take into consideration that I was sleeping when you called me," Lucía said, now kind of irritated.

"Here," Amelia said, handing the girl some gas money.

She turned the car off and stepped out. Luckily she didn't have school tomorrow, so she could just sleep in, but this sure pissed Lucía off. Pumping in the gas to the car, she heard her phone vibrate.

"Shit.." she mumbled

It was Luz.

"Lucía where are you??" she texted.

"I went out for a drive, I was kinda stressed." She texted back.

"Does mom know I'm gone?" She continued.

"No, she's sleeping. But are you lying to me??" Luz responded.

"No, I promise," Lucía replied back, following with a sigh. She needs to get back as soon as possible.

"Okay." her sister texted back, ending the conversation.

She knew what she had promised her sister and she was not looking forward to breaking it. After 5 minutes she sat back in the car, still with her sister in mind. She needed to get back soon.

"Is that it?" Lucía said, following with a sigh.

"Yep thanks you can drop us off now," Amelia responded, leaning back on the seat.Finally, she turned on the car.

It wasn't a quiet ride home, the two girls chattered the whole way back to the house recalling the event that happened 20 minutes ago.

Finally, after arriving back at the Blight Manor, Lucía made an abrupt stop. The girl in the back got out first. Leaving Lucía and Amelia alone.

"Thanks for driving us," Amelia said, putting her hand on the handle.

"Mhm," Lucía responded back.

"Seriously, thanks," She said before opening the door.

"Byeeeeee," She finished, closing the door.

Lucía was confused, to say the least. The whole way home she replayed the thoughts in her head. Why did Amelia seem so sincere? Didn't she basically force Lucía into doing this? Why was she acting like the good guy all of a sudden?

Finally, it was 2:30 am she was finally back home. She crawled back into her recently opened window; avoiding the bushes.

As she walked over to her bed, she noticed a lump in it.

She gently pulled over the covers to see her sister, laying in her bed sleeping soundly. She smiled at the sight, her sister really was something. She took off her jacket and jeans, leaving them on the floor. Now, back in her oversized shirt and shorts, slowly lay beside her sister. She took a deep breath, things were going to get better.

She turned to her side, facing her sister. She hoped Luz believed her.

"I won't break my promise" Lucía whispered, closing her eyes and finally letting the tiredness wash over her.

A/N: HEY GUYSS! I planned for this chapter to get out yesterday but sadly it is 1:57 am as I'm writing this. I got sick :(. Of course this wasn't planned but I bounced back pretty quickly and got a lot of rest (I feel better now). But yea I was in a rush to get this chapter done so excuse the shortness- the next chapter will be longer :D. Sorry for going on a mini rant haha ;-; have a good day :)!

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