Chapter 12- „Do you love me?"

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Street POV

After a while Chris, with Miguel in his arms, had fallen asleep next to me and I watched the scene in love. Mainly because of Chris, but Miguel was totally cute too. The sight made me wish Miguel was our child.

"Jim?" my sister snapped me out of my thoughts and judging by the look on her face, it hadn't been her first attempt at talking to me.

I smiled apologetically.

"You really love her, am I right?" asked Abigail with a conspiratorial look.

"Of course I love her. Chris makes me feel things I've never felt for anyone before. I've loved a lot of women before, but with Chris it finally feels right. Like it's forever." I admitted.

"Do me a favor and never let her go again! She's good for you and she has a great personality." Abby asked me.

"I won't. Ever."

"I should hope not!" said Chris, who must have woken up recently, lovingly.

"And you don't leave him either, you understand?" asked Abigail Chris.

"Never Abigail. Never!" replied Chris, looking deep into my eyes.

"Since I've awkwardly already asked you if you were pregnant, I have to ask you something else now-" Abigail was interrupted by me.

"Please Abby, don't do that."

"It's okay Street." Chris said with a grin and put her hand on my arm.

"Chris, do you want to have kids someday?" asked Abigail, very direct as usual. Chris blushed.

"I love kids. I can't imagine it right now, but definitely later. If the time doesn't come, then so be it. But if Street wants it too I don't see why it shouldn't happen." She finally replied.

Abigail looked triumphant.

"Yeah! Miguel, did you hear? You're going to have a cousin someday!" she said happily to her son, who was still sleeping peacefully in Chris' arms, and then added, looking at Chris, "Trust me, Jim wants kids. There's no doubt about it!"

"Yes Abigail, thank you for being so direct..." I said sarcastically.

"That's what you love me for." She said overly friendly.

"Of course." I replied and we all laughed.

"Street, aren't you going to hold him? My arms are about to fall asleep!" complained Chris. Thus I took my nephew from her tensely, relaxing after a few seconds though.

"Chris, why do you always call my brother Street?" asked Abigail after yawning heartily.

"I don't know...I've always called him that from SWAT. Sometimes I call him Jim too, but it feels weird." replied Chris laughing.

Fifteen minutes later we headed home as Abby was very exhausted and needed rest. When we got home we got a message in the 20 Squad group which we laughed about in amusement.

Hey guys,

Beer and steaks in our backyard in one week!

I want to introduce you to Amy, so everyone feel free to bring your wives.

(Sorry Chris you're not back from your R&R yet and to you Street you don't have anyone to bring ;))

Cancellation will not be accepted.

LG Luca

Then I became serious again.

"Too bad the team doesn't know about us..." I said sadly.

S.W.A.T. - Do you love me? A Stris Fanfiction (English) Where stories live. Discover now