Chapter 3- All that remains

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Chris' POV

When I woke up it was quiet. Except for an annoying beeping there was nothing to hear. I felt a tube in my throat and realized that I must be in a hospital. But why?

I wanted to move, but my leg hurt like hell. I opened my eyes and stared at a white ceiling. Suddenly two people came rushing into the room.

"Hello miss, I'm Dr. Fitz. I'm extubating you now, all right?"

I nodded slowly. After pulling the tube out of my throat, he asked me a few questions:

"What's your name?" -Christina Alonso

"How old are you?" -29

The doctor nodded and took notes. Suddenly, the memory hit me like a blow.

"Did they make it outside? Jim Street and the kid?" it blurted out of me.

"I'm sorry Mrs. Alonso, but I can't help you any further. I don't have any more information about the explosion." Dr. Fitz replied. However, this did not help me either.

"Your colleagues were here earlier, but they had to leave 20 minutes ago. I will leave you alone now, get some rest."

"Ok, thanks Dr." I leaned back into the pillow, it was pretty flat but better than nothing.

All of a sudden the door flew open and someone came running in.

Streets POV

After almost falling into the room, I was amazed that Chris was awake.

"Chris... I, I... I'm so sorry!" I ran up to her and hugged her as best I could. She was a little tense at first, but then relaxed and pulled me tighter.

"I was afraid you wouldn't have made it." She finally said and broke away from the hug.

"Haha, ask us. We were all panicking that you wouldn't make it. By the way, you put me down as your emergency contact?" I quipped.

"Yes I did, but don't flatter yourself! There's no one else I could put down." She grinned a little.

"Ok... if I'm good enough to be your emergency contact, can't we be friends again?" I asked.

"You sound like a I do miss my best friend." She lightly punched me in the shoulder. "Why are you here alone?" she asked.

A cold shiver ran down my spine. "Chris... One of the brothers got away and while searching for him, we found a threatening letter. It says he's going to hurt you because you messed up his big show. I had to come here right away to make sure he wasn't with you..." I admitted.

Chris looked at me in amazement.

Tan's POV

I'm not done yet. Your girl. I'm going to get her. What I will do with her then, I don't know yet. But I want revenge for my brothers, and one thing is clear:

Once I have Officer Alonso, you'll never see her again!

-Diego Rodriguez

"This guy is really disgusting!" I stated as I reread the letter.

"Chris is in a public place, so she's easy to get to. Let's hope Street gets there before Diego." Hondo sat in the back seat of the Black Betty and leaned his head against the wall of the vehicle.

"She can't just stay there, can she?" asked Luca.

"No..." replied Hondo, but he was interrupted by his ringing cell phone.

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