Chapter 8- „It's over"

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Nobody's POV

Chris was nervous and instinctively sought Street's proximity. He put an arm around her and gently stroked one of her arms. The two remained in that position until Hondo ended the conversation.

"What the hell is going on Hondo?" asked Jessica anxiously.

"They got him!" he reported delightedly.

"Who has who?" asked Chris, who by now had calmed down a bit, confused.

"Diego Rodriguez, the police arrested him! It's over!" Hondo informed.

Chris was shocked, but overjoyed to be out of danger.

She hadn't quite realized what Hondo had just said before Street was already hugging her. She felt so comfortable and safe in his muscular arms that the rest of her tension evaporated. A few tears rolled down her cheeks.

"Is everything all right Chris? Street asked worriedly when he noticed she had tears in her eyes.

Chris nodded. "Everything's fine. I'm just relieved." She said and Street took her in his arms again. The rest of the team and Bonnie also hugged Chris.

Around midnight, everyone said goodbye to each other and headed home.

Chris' POV

When Street and I arrived at his apartment, we decided to watch another movie. Street got us two glasses filled with wine while I made myself comfortable on the couch. He sat down next to me and handed me a glass, which I accepted and snuggled up to him. After the movie was over a bad thought seized me.

"Street, now that Rodriguez has been caught...should I move back into my apartment?" I asked.

He winced and straightened up to look me in the eye.

"Chris, you're the only person in my life I really care about, the only person I love, and the only person I want to spend time with. I don't just want to see you a few times a day. I want to have you with me 24/7. I'm asking you not to move out."

I was very touched by his words, pulled him closer to me and kissed him in response.  

After a few seconds, he broke away from me and stood up, after which he grabbed my hand and pulled me up to him.

"You know what I wanted to do when you passed your fitness test?" he said smiling. I shook my head and before I knew it, he was lifting me up and spinning me in circles several times so that he was literally twirling me through the air. I clung to him and laughingly asked him to stop. This he did and I looked into his brown eyes, which looked at me in love.

Tan's POV

"Bye Bonnie, bye little one!" I said goodbye to my fiancée and my, as we found out yesterday, unborn daughter.

"Bye Victor and please don't worry so much all the time!" she also said goodbye to me, underlining once again how much I annoyed her with my "How are you?" and "Is everything really alright?". I smiled to myself and drove to the HQ. I couldn't wait to tell the team that I was going to be a father to a little girl. This baby was already my little princess and I couldn't wait to finally hold her in my arms. I excitedly ran to HQ where my team was already waiting for me. It was Chris' first day at work since the accident and everyone was happy to have her back.

"Hey guys. Good to have you back Chris!" I greeted everyone.

"Hi Tan, how is Bonnie?" she asked me.

"She's doing great, thanks for asking!" I replied, then nodded to Street. "Are you two happy to be back?"

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