Chapter 9- "Get out!"

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Chris POV

When I got home I opened the apartment door and came right upon a packed suitcase and bags. My suitcase and bags.

I ran into the living room and saw Street sitting quietly on the couch. He was just sitting there, not paying any attention to me.

"Street, I don't understand...I thought you wanted me to stay here?" I asked quietly.

"You must really think I'm stupid, don't you? You think you can just make out with other guys without me noticing!!!? Was I some sick kind of toy to you?" he yelled at me. His loud, angry voice made me reject him, even though I knew he would never do anything to me.

"I didn't make out with other guys! I lov-" Street cut me off:

"Save it Chris. I have a picture of you and a guy kissing, don't pretend you don't know!" at his words burning warm tears ran down my cheeks.

"I didn't kiss him. He kissed me!" said I in a shaky voice.

"Yeah, right." He said sarcastically. "Now go!" he added, pushing me out the door.

"Please believe me Street!" I begged him tearfully.

"I don't want to hear any more. Get out!" was the last I heard from him before he slammed the door.

After some time, my wobbly legs carried me out into the darkness.

I stowed my luggage and ran to the driver's door when suddenly someone grabbed me and pulled me away from the car. I recognized Malcom's face in the glow of a streetlight, against which he pushed me rudely the next moment. A sharp pain ran through my shoulder and upper body. The next events happened so quickly that I can hardly remember: Malcolm tried to kiss me, I resisted which is why he punched me hard in the stomach. I continued to defend myself despite the pain and finally managed to escape from him.

I was shaking the whole way to my apartment. Once there, I simply placed my luggage in the hallway and ran straight to the refrigerator, from which I grabbed the first available bottle of high-proof alcohol. I took a big swig and flopped down on the couch. The impact hurt, so I took another swig. Then another...and another....

The next morning I woke up with extreme pain all over my body. I stepped in front of the mirror in my bathroom and took off my top. My torso and shoulder were covered in bruises and my stomach was covered in a bruise. I looked terrible, especially around the eyes, because I had completely cried myself out last night. I just couldn't stand the feeling of having lost Street, it was the worst pain of all. Before I left for work, I took three more pain pills.

Half an hour later, I was standing in the locker room... with Street and Malcom. Malcom was watching me, no doubt planning his next sneak attack on me. Street, on the other hand, was paying no attention to me, which brought tears to my eyes again. I blinked several times to keep from crying. I could have easily told Hondo the whole situation, but my pride would not allow it.

A minute later, Malcolm left the room with a disgusted look on his face. I took my chance and ran to Street. He was the only one I would talk to.

"Street can we please talk?"

He wordlessly stowed his backpack in his locker and turned to leave. I reached for his hand, which he immediately snatched away.

"Damn it Chris, just leave me alone. You've hurt me enough! Don't you get it!!!" he sounded very upset and sad, yet he was loud.

"I didn't do anything!" i answered him in exactly the same tone.

But unfortunately I hadn't noticed that Hondo had entered the room....

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