Episode 20: Oneshot (Part 1)

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So I got a request to do a prediction chapter for the finale. This one will be heavily focused on the Wade situation. Splitting this into two parts.

TW: Mentions of assault

The bright lights from the SWAT teams weapons blinded the teens as they moved throughout the living room and kitchen.

"Who is the owner of this house," one of them asked, looking at the faces of each teen trying to guess who would own a nice sized home in Beverly Hills.

Olivia was frozen as her breath hitched in her throat. She eyed her twin who was equally as frightened. Someone had to speak up before they asked again.

"Who is the owner of this house," the SWAT member questioned again, this time with more force.

"Our p-p-parents," Jordan spoke up, his hands gripping the floor to keep himself still. He had learned that valuable lesson when he and Spencer had their encounter not too long ago.

"Are they aware that minors are in their home drinking? Where are they?"

"We aren't drinking. There's no alcohol in here," JJ replied, flinching when one of the SWAT members pointed their guns his direction.

"We need names. Who are the rightful owners of this property?!"

Spencer looked over at his girlfriend who seemed locked in on her phone. Fresh tears sprung from her eyes and he took it as fear but she was livid. The dots were beginning to connect except she didn't have the proof to back up her beliefs. The last time she accused the GAU quarterback of something, he was innocent. But her mind still didn't let her forget what he had said to her face and how that post matched his exact statement.

"Hey," Spencer whispered, getting his girlfriend's attention. "Just keep looking at me, alright?" His own heart was about to fall out of his chest.

"Billy and Laura Baker," Jordan replied to SWAT.  One of the SWAT team members forced Jordan to stand and dial one of his parent's numbers while other members searched the home for the 'big time drugs' they were told were being sold at the party. The rest of the teens stared in horror as couches and rugs were flipped.  Once they didn't find anything, Laura and Billy had arrived at their SWAT surrounded home in confusion.

"Our kids and their friends are in there! This is our home," Laura told one of the men standing outside their house. "If you need proof that we own this home, I can pull it up." Being a lawyer had made Laura prepared in situations where most people weren't.

After another 45 minutes, the SWAT cleared out without finding any evidence of a crime. The incident would be investigated because it appeared to be a case of swatting. The Bakers made sure all the teens were okay before they let them go home. The night had ended with a bang and not the kind they intended.

"I'm going to find out who did this," Laura promised when it was only the housemates and Spencer left in the kitchen. "Do you all have any ideas of who could have called? Anyone that was possibly here for the party?"

"You think someone set us up," Jordan asked, still shaken up by the encounter. "Who would do something like that?"

"Someone who clearly needs to be slapped. Who calls SWAT on a bunch of black people as if that couldn't have ended badly," Patience snapped, now starting to feel pissed that they were even in that situation.

"I'm glad nothing did happen," Billy added. "They'll get to the bottom of this."

Olivia sat on the back of the couch, still in deep thought about her inner assumptions earlier. After the article was posted, SWAT ended up at her home, then she got the odd text. Who else would be behind this? But she had been wrong before and that wrong could have gotten Spencer in trouble. Spencer could sense something was wrong. The ominous conversation they had before they were interrupted hadn't gone unnoticed.

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