Episode 13: Backseat Freestyle

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All my life I want money and power. Respect my mind or die from lead shower. - Kendrick Lamar

Jordan never had a hard time making friends and GAU didn't change that. People loved him. He was personable and his personality made him approachable. Like JJ, he could easily become the life of the party, which made it easy for Wade Waters to get close to him. Wade was also the life of the party, except he wasn't as approachable as Jordan. He had a hard shell that most people didn't easily break through. Which is why most underclassmen just stayed out of his way. They had heard stories about the way he hazed freshmen players.

"Party at hashtag JJ's beach house after the game. Win or lose," JJ announced one morning before class.

"Man, I won't be in the mood for a party if we lose," Spencer replied.

"Wade is actually throwing a party after our game. You aren't going to that," Jordan questioned, earning a confused expression from Spencer. "Oh, I guess not."

"Wait, you're getting invited to parties with upperclassmen," Asher asked, catching the end of the conversation. "How the hell does that happen?"

"I'm just that guy, Ash. You should know this by now," Jordan pretended to pop his collar. "I'm sure Spence will be hanging out with that twin of mine anyway. Right?"

"Man, shut up," Spencer shrugged Jordan's hand off his shoulder. "You know if Simone was here you'd be all up under her."

"Yeah, yeah, " Jordan chuckled. "But I'm off to class fellas."

Spencer didn't have any plans to party if the game didn't go well but he couldn't help but feel some type of way about Jordan getting close to the upperclassmen while the rest of the freshmen barely got a hello from some of them. He hoped Wade and his crew didn't have other motives.
After class, Jordan met Layla at the studio before practice. She was working on new music and hoping she'd get a break for lunch but it wasn't looking like that would go as planned.

"Plasticware in the bag," Jordan said, putting the bag of food in the empty chair next to her.

"Thanks. You didn't have to do that. Patience was actually on her way," Layla expressed, taking a break from her work to finally nourish her body.

"I'm done with classes for the day. It's no problem," Jordan insisted, shooting a quick text to Simone before finally sitting down. "I'm starting to think tennis is crazier than football. Seems like Simone is always at practice."

"It takes a lot of practice. Imagine chasing a small ball across a court...yeah, no thanks," Layla laughed, imagining herself attempting the sport.

"I'll stick to throwing a ball."

Silence formed between the two of them before there was a knock at the door and Clay entered. he asked, looking over at Jordan. "I can come back."

"No, no, we were just eating lunch. Come on in," Layla waved Clay inside. After the awkwardness between them had disappeared, Clay was back working in the studio. Things were just professional again. Well, as professional as you can get after sleeping together. Clay respected Layla's request and decided to remain friends. Layla swung her chair back around to play a recent song she had done with Sabine. She was so into her music, she didn't notice the glances between Clay and Jordan.


After her classes, Olivia decided to go home for lunch before going to the LA Tribune for an evening shift. Lately, the tension between Coop and Patience was beginning to make things super uncomfortable for the others living in the house. To keep herself busy, Layla spent more time at the studio and Olivia spent more time at the beach house and office. Coop was out on bail and since her release, Patience was beginning to lose her patience. The snowball effect of Coop not telling the truth had created a bigger mess, leaving Patience and Coop in a weird place in their relationship. Coop could see that the situation was wearing Patience down and she was beginning to pull away.

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