Episode 10: PRIDE.

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Happiness or flashiness? How do you serve the question? - Kendrick Lamar

Spencer was hearing his alarm without it actually going off. It had become traumatizing. The early morning workouts had begun and he was pushing himself harder than ever.

His eyes shot open at the sound of the ear-piercing alarm tone going off on his phone. He quickly shut it off and felt around on the opposite side of his bed until he remembered Olivia hadn't been staying overnight lately. Not until Spencer got used to his intense workout schedule and she could get used to his blaring alarm before the sun came up. The arrangement was for the best.

Jordan was already dragging himself down the stairs when Spencer shut the door to his room. JJ was on a similar schedule, leaving Asher to sleep in until his late morning class.

"How'd you sleep," JJ asked his housemate who could barely keep his eyes open to eat a granola bar.

"Feels like my alarm went off right when I closed my eyes," Spencer complained, stuffing two more granola bars into his bag.

"Sleep? What's that," Jordan yawned as he picked up his gym bag and water bottle.

The boys had made a pact. Nothing less than 100% was allowed. Things were real now and if they wanted to make it to the NFL, that journey was just beginning.
Practices were rough. All those times that high school football seemed difficult didn't compare to the hard days of college ball. There was more competition and with a different coach, Spencer and Jordan had to prove themselves. Natural talent and their reputation weren't enough. Coach Garrett needed to see it on the field, especially from Spencer who was supposed to start by their first game. Though he was improving, Coach Garrett was not impressed with the freshman.

After the receiver tipped the ball to a Safety, Garrett waved him over. "Run the steps, James," he pointed to the stadium stairs that the players had grown to hate. "Waters you go with him."

"But it hit him in the hands," Wade argued, throwing his hands up in disgust.

The team groaned, knowing what was coming next. Wade Waters was the starting quarterback for GAU, and rightfully so. His father was a Golden Angeles legend, breaking records and setting the tone for GAU football. Wade had been trained by the best back in New York City before earning a full-ride scholarship to Golden Angeles University. His immense talent spoke for itself and his arrogance intimidated many once he became the starter. Wade's father made a name for himself in college and also the NFL and Wade set out to accomplish the same goals.

"You know what? We'll end practice here for the day. Change into your shoes and everyone hit the stairs since your quarterback has so much to say," Coach Garrett yelled, clapping his hands to make his players hustle.

QB 1 muttered under his breath and narrowed his eyes at the freshman receiver who was lacing up his shoes. Taking his pettiness a step further, he kicked Spencer's foot as he walked by.

"Excuse you," Spencer said, earning a chuckle from Wade in return.

"Learn how to catch my passes or I'll make your life a living hell, James. I mean that," the quarterback threatened.

Spencer felt a hand collide with this chest, "Not worth it," Isaiah spoke, being the voice of reason. Coming from him that held a lot of weight since Wade had been picking at him more than anyone on the team.
On the other side of town, Olivia was preparing for her first day of work. She was working part time at the LA Tribune between going to classes and being a sponsor.

"Liv, have you seen Coop," Patience asked as she jogged down the stairs.

It was 7am and Coop was already gone for the day. Since they had been staying at the Bakers, it had been happening often. "No. She's gone already? This early," she frowned.

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