Episode 3: Loyalty

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I meditate and moderate all of my wins again. I'm hangin' on the fence again. I'm always on your mind, I put my lyric and my lifeline on the line. - Kendrick Lamar

Patience stared at her phone, pushing ignore on the call after a few rings. This had been a never-ending cycle for the last four weeks. Thankfully, Patience could avoid seeing Coop at school since Coop had gotten her GED. That didn't stop her from coming up to the school in an attempt to smooth Patience over about the Mo case. Patience wasn't budging on her stance. Ever since Coop gave up music, she was beginning to see what her father was saying. If Coop didn't have music, then where would she turn? Hanging on Spencer's word of not giving up on Coop was getting harder as the days went on. How much more could she take? Should she take?

"Trouble in paradise," Chris asked, noticing Patience rolling her eyes when Coop's name popped back up on the screen. "You've ignored like three calls already."

"I told you about the situation with Tamia. Nothing's changed," Patience shared, scribbling in her lyric book. "She's hard-headed and I'm tired."

"So ya'll broke up," Chris pressed.

"No," she responded, twisting her lips into a scowl. "I'm just trying to keep my distance to avoid doing it. I've been close to doing it more than once. Maybe we need time apart until she comes to her senses."

Like anyone who knew Patience, Chris feared for what was to come for her relationship with Coop. Things were getting too rocky to repair and Coop was the main reason for that.

Still unsure about his decision to commit to Toledo, Spencer was open to hearing what the head coach had to say. Coach Scott reached out to Billy about meeting with Spencer and making things official. Knowing the special talent that Spencer would bring to the team, the coach was ecstatic to visit with Spencer in his home.

"Mrs. James, you've raised a fine young man. Hell of an athlete and student. I know many of these coaches aren't big on academics but I value a player that can keep his grades up while also producing on the football field. That isn't always easy," Coach Scott explained, taking two quick sips of coffee.

"Thanks. It wasn't always easy with this knucklehead but he's a good kid. Can't complain about either one of my boys," Grace squeezed Spencer's arm. "So when does he need to be ready to move? Just so I know when to take off work to bring him."

"Usually our freshmen athletes arrive about a month and a half before so they can jump into training and preparing for the season. You'd live with the other football players in our dorm for freshmen athletes. Do you have any questions for me, Spencer? Before I get my assistant coach to take a picture and we make this official?"

This isn't what he wanted. Toledo wasn't a school he even thought about when he was considering schools outside of California. Spencer was grateful for the opportunity but he still felt like there was more out there for him. Toledo just happened to be the school that made the offer.

Attempting to put his dream of UCLA behind him, Spencer forced a smile and shook his head. "No, I think you answered everything, Coach."

"Alright! We look forward to having you in our program. Congratulations, Mr. James," Coach Scott handed Spencer a Toledo hat and motioned the assistant coach to the center of the room. "I forgot to mention that Coach Baker raved over you in the championship game. He sent over your film from it."

Spencer frowned but didn't think anything else of it before the camera flashed.
Being in the studio without Coop was a breath of fresh air for Patience. She felt guilty about thinking that way, even though it was true for both she and Layla. Coop had been difficult to be around since the Mo shooting. No one wanted to admit that but it was the truth. She seemed secretive and didn't communicate in the ways she used to.

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