Chapter 7: "C.H.I.P. to the Rescue!"

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I tracked down Chip at his locker. He was hiding inside it.

"I told you the Freaky Fuzzies were still alive!" he whimpered.

I hung my head in shame. "You were right, Chip. But now you're gonna bring them down just like you did before!" I whipped out my phone and, using my C.H.I.P. app, turned Chip into C.H.I.P. the football player! "A whole lot of fuzzy footballs are out there trying to melt people's brains!" I said in a deep voice like a football coach. "Now, go out there and kick us some field goals!"

C.H.I.P. the football player charged out the door, hollering at the top of his lungs, full of team spirit. He ran up to one Freaky Fuzzy as it waddled across the football field saying, "Freaky Fuzzies love you! Don't you love Freaky Fuzzies too?" Then it turned and stared right at C.H.I.P. with its spinny, hypnotic eyes, trying to turn him into a zombie like all the other kids.

But C.H.I.P. was having none of it. He swung his leg back and KICKED that Freaky Fuzzy right through the goal posts! It landed hard, almost totally smashed. Then C.H.I.P. ran up, picked up the Fuzzy and spiked it hard. "Yeah! Go team!" he cheered as the evil broken toy fizzled out.

"Freaky Fuzzies are you friendsssss..."

I cheered from the sidelines:

"Woozy wizzy wazzy wuzzy!

Give it to the Freaky Fuzzies!

C.H.I.P.'s the greatest, my oh my!

Let's hear it for the hero guy!"

C.H.I.P. drop-kicked another Freaky Fuzzy. Then another. He sent them flying into the end zone to smash to the ground, their evil electronic innards popping out, demolished. At this rate, he was going to destroy them all in no time!

But what about the flying Freaky Fuzzies? How was C.H.I.P. going to be able to get to them? Well, luckily, I'd recently invented the Super Sun Glider! It was like a hang-glider but with a small solar-powered motor attached. And it could fold up so tightly, I was able to keep it in my locker! So I rushed back inside and got it. All the students were still walking around with hazy eyes, going on about how much Freaky Fuzzies were our friends. And all the teachers were banging on their classroom doors, trying to get out. But I kept my eye on the ball and dragged the Super Sun Glider back outside.

I flipped a switch, and the Sun Glider unfolded itself. Then I used my phone app to change C.H.I.P. into a stunt pilot, and he strapped himself in and took off into the sky!

Up in the air, C.H.I.P. zoomed all around, smashing into one Freaky Fuzzy after another. He swooped right and left, sometimes taking out two at a time!

Seth Mindwarp ran out of the school and looked up to see his beloved Fuzzies careening down like dead ducks. "No! Leave them alone!" he screamed up to C.H.I.P. "Freaky Fuzzies are meant to fly free!"

But I started to notice that, as many Fuzzies as C.H.I.P. was bringing down, they just kept on coming. Back during the first Freaky Fuzzy attack, in Seth Mindwarp's secret office, we were able to stop them by shutting down Seth's central computer. But trying to take them out one by one was looking to be impossible!

And then something happened to make things even worse. The sun went behind a cloud... and the hang-glider's solar-powered motor shut off. (My bad!) Suddenly WHOOSH! C.H.I.P. dove straight for the ground and CRASHED on the football field. But, fortunately, he crashed in the end zone, and the huge pile of smashed Freaky Fuzzies broke his fall.

But the crash made the C.H.I.P. 2.0 microthingy in C.H.I.P.'s tooth fritz out, and I couldn't get it working again! C.H.I.P. was back to being Chip again. He lay back on the soft bed of Fuzzies he'd fallen onto and swiped his arms up and down, like making a snow angel. "Look, Nort! I'm swimming in Freaky Fuzzies!"

I looked up in the sky and all around the school. The Freaky Fuzzies were still coming, on land and in the air, and C.H.I.P. was out for the count. Sure, my dad and his security team were probably going to show up soon to take them on, but, as usual, I knew Dad would just make things worse.

Seth Mindwarp was going to get his revenge on the town of Vortville today, and there was nothing I could do about it!

MY BEST FRIEND IS A SECRET AGENT, Book 3: How C.H.I.P. Took on C.H.I.M.P. and...Where stories live. Discover now